43 | New Reality

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      I change my mind.

      This chapter is trash. 

      :) enjoy


      "I- " B swallows, her eyes as round as the moon, "I wanted this to be a d-d-date too." 

      ...I'm not- I'm not dreaming, right?

      "Are you- " Jimin can't believe his ears. The beautiful silver angel timidly reaches out to grip his hand in hers, but all Jimin can do is stare, his eyes blown wide in disbelief, "Are you serious? Is this... am I dreaming?"

      "No, Jiminie." B smiles shyly, her cheeks burning red. Her velvet voice is softer than usual, and a hint more sweet, "You're not dreaming. I really m-mean it."

      "You..." Jimin blinks down at the girl sitting directly in front of him, her pale skin glowing with the vibrant hues of the sunset. Wisps of sparkling hair fall into her eyes, her braid less perfect than it was two hours ago, and yet she looks more beautiful than ever. Jimin's brain is frozen in time, his eyes glued to her delicate face, those seven words circling over and over inside his head. Jimin's tongue fights against itself, a million questions wanting to tumble out all at once, "Is this... a prank, then?"

      This has to be a prank. Jimin tries to convince himself that this isn't real, unable to come to terms with the sentence that just left B's lips. She must be joking. Someone like her can't possibly like someone as stupid as me.

      "Jiminie, I-" B's breaths grow shallow, nervous resignation flickering across her face. She grips Jimin's hand tighter, her ice cold fingers trembling, "I really do mean it. I'll- I'll even say it if I have to!"

      "Say what?" Jimin asks, a his face a painful concoction of confusion and hope. He cradles her hand in his, grasping onto it as if this is the last moment he'll ever get with her. Jimin doesn't know what he'll do if this all turns out to be fake.

      "Jiminie, I-" She licks her lips, and shuts her eyes tight. The words tumble from her graceful lips, mumbled and scattered into syllables that Jimin strains to understand. The near-panicking boy only catches a few recognizable sounds, but those broken pieces are enough to jolt his heart to a stop.


      The calm of Jimin's voice sends chills down his own spine. 

      "Say it again."

      She forces her eyes open, their quivering depths meeting Jimin's fiery gaze. Their eyes lock, stuck together like magnets. B swallows, more nervous than Jimin has ever seen her before. 

      "I-" Her bottom lip quivers, and her voice is trembling, "I l-l-like you t-too."

*          *          *          *

      "The heck is it so quiet?" The palest member of Bangtan grumbles, heaving a bored sigh. His lazy cats' eyes flicker over to the clock on the living room wall, following the second hand as it slowly ticks around the center. Silence fills the dorm, an occasional shout from the direction of Tae's room (he and Jungkook are probably playing Overwatch) as the only interruption. Yoongi feels strangely desolate, the constant sound of nothingness almost suffocating.

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