25 | Good Dongsaeng

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      I don't know how this chapter is going to go. Wish me luck.

      "DINNER'S READY!" 

      Jin's traditional call for dinner rings through the house, setting Jungkook's already grumbling stomach into a frenzy. The delectable smell of Japchae, a dish that Jin rarely makes, had been making Jungkook salivate terribly for the past half hour, so when the call for food is made, Jungkook's out of his room and down the hall in a flash, sliding into his regular chair at the table without a moment to waste.

      Jungkook's the first at the table, and he's early enough that he gets to watch as Jin hauls the great big dish into the dining room. He hungrily licks his lips when Jin sets the steaming food in the center of the table, right in front of Jungkook's empty stomach. Jungkook's hands ache to pick up his chopsticks and dig in, but the look that Jin is giving him warns him not to. Jungkook bites his lip and sits still, not wanting another scolding on how 'not waiting for the others before you eat' is rude.

 Jungkook bites his lip and sits still, not wanting another scolding on how 'not waiting for the others before you eat' is rude

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      Uuuuggh, who cares about table manners? I'm so hungry I could eat a camel. The steam wafts up towards the ceiling, and a new series of rumbling from the youngest's stomach disturbs the silence in the room. Scratch that. I could eat a dozen camels!

      Jungkook can't help being hungry all the time, especially when Jin's always talking about and making food. It also doesn't help that Jungkook's a growing 17 year old boy. That fact probably only makes it worse, considering it's a perfectly logical excuse to eat more than he probably should. 

      Jin returns from the kitchen with several steaming bowls of white rice just in time to catch Jungkook in the act of stealing a pepper and shoving it in his mouth like the little thief he is. Jungkook turns towards the eldest with a impish smile, not feeling guilty in the slightest.

      What? I'm just hungry.

      "Jeon Jungkook!" Jin gently sets the rest of the dishes on the table before slapping the top of the youngest's head, "What have I said about waiting for the others to get here until you eat?! I know you're hungry, but that doesn't mean manners are no longer important! We have a special guest tonight, and I want you to be on your best behavior! Can't you do that?"

      Special guest? Jungkook perks up, blinking his doe eyes at the eldest in curiosity. We never have guests over, especially on Friday nights. Isn't this supposed to be a family dinner only? 

      "A special guest?" Jungkook asks, trying his best to look as cute and innocent as possible so that Jin will bend to his will and answer his question. Sadly, all Jungkook gets for his efforts is a flick to his forehead. The bunny boy pouts, slumping in his seat when Jin turns his attention back to the dinner table, "Come on, hyung! Who is it?"

      "A special guest!" Jin huffs, throwing another disapproving glare at the youngest when the boy sneaks another steaming vegetable, "You don't need to know until you meet them! But until then, you can act mature and gentlemanly for one night, right? That isn't too much to ask?"

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