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      He takes a deep breath as he stares at the decrepit house in front of him. It's easily the most run-down house on the street, and its lawn is filled with empty beer bottles and crushed cans. The stained white paint is peeling off the walls, and the awning over the porch looks ready to cave in at any moment. The whole place gives off an eerie vibe that would chase most people away-- but he isn't most people.

      The boy of average height and crazy mint green hair glares at the yellowing lawn and rotting wood; disgust oozing from his scowl. Yoongi hasn't been here in seven years, and he most definitely didn't want to come back. But he had to, for one reason, and one reason only.

      I can't let her live here any longer.

      The old building had been his childhood home. All his memories of youth, both good and bad, had been made inside the that house. Once--a long time ago-- he had thought of it as home. But now all he can see is a prison he escaped. He had left this place with his head held high, determined to live out his dreams. He'd left with nothing but his talent and his iron will, but at least he was able to leave.

      Yoongi escaped this dungeon, but she hadn't. He had left her in there all by herself for all these years. He never wanted to leave her in the first place, but how could he give her all that she deserved when he could hardly pay to feed himself? He didn't want her to live off the streets, so he waited for the right time. He left her in that miserable house and worked his hardest, so that one day he could free her.

      That day has finally come. The group is now semi-successful, and he can afford to support another life besides his own. So here he is, standing in front of the house he grew up in, gathering his courage.

      Yoongi doesn't want her to live here anymore. It isn't safe.

      Just five more minutes, Byeol-ah. Just five more until oppa's getting you out of there. Just hold on for a little longer. Please be safe.

      Yoongi's hands clench into fists as he prepares himself to take the first step. His whole body tenses as he stares at his past, preparing himself to confront his childhood nightmare. A warm hand squeezes Yoongi's shoulder in support, and he glances over to see Jin, one of his oldest friends, looking at him with sympathy.

      Jin is the only one he told about this. Yoongi didn't want to tell the younger members that he'd abandoned his own flesh and blood. He didn't want them to know how much of a coward he is. But Jin is his hyung, and Yoongi trusts him with his life, so he told Jin about her. It hurt to talk about her when he hadn't seen her precious face in year. It still hurts to talk about her, even though he hasn't seen her in seven years. Yoongi suspects it will always hurt to talk about her until the day they are reunited.

      And that's what Yoongi's here for. Their permanent reunion. And after this, he's never going to abandon her again.

      Yoongi had wanted to go alone, but Jin didn't let him. The two had fought about it for hour before they left the dorm, but now the pale man is grateful for Jin's quiet companionship. The deathly silent neighborhood sends shivers down Yoongi's spine, but his face doesn't give away any emotion. Yoongi gives a short nod in gratitude to his taller companion. Jin smiles weakly and nods back, then turns to look at the building in front of them with a frown.

      "This is it?" Jin's voice is hushed, but it sounds abnormally loud in the oddly quiet neighborhood, "I know you described it as awful, but I still expected it to be a little less..."

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