29 | Respect Your Elders!

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              I can't believe that I'm past 700 votes. What kind of amazing dream is this? I love you guys. I hope you all have a wonderful day.

      "Wake up, princess," Yoongi gently shakes B's shoulder, trying to convince himself that it's just his imagination, and not that she's thinner than the last time she stayed over. She promised to eat, didn't she? She wouldn't break her promise, right? "It's time to start the day!"

      "I don' wanna get up." Her sentence is hardly recognizable though the fabric of Yoongi's covers, but he somehow manages to interpret the foreign language. With a softness that Yoongi rarely uses, he pries the blankets away from her pale face.

      "But you get to spend a whole day with oppa and the guys!" Yoongi attempts to persuade her, pulling at her pale cheeks as a gummy smile spreads across his face, "Doesn't that sound like fun?"

      "But I don't wanna get up!" B protests, her puffy eyes glaring pitifully at her attacker, "Can't we just stay in bed and cuddle all day, oppa?"

       Yoongi pauses, considering her proposition. The idea of wrapping the tiny girl in a burrito of blankets and snuggling her against his chest does sound appealing. But her health comes first, not Yoongi's cravings for cuddles.

      "Nope! You gotta eat breakfast, Byeol-ah!" Yoongi is extra careful, as always, as he pulls her into a sitting position. The mint-haired rapper lovingly brushes her metallic bangs out of her eyes as she blinks sleepily, "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! It gets your metabolism going, and it-"

      "-gives you enough energy to make it through the day. I know, oppa." B sighs, finally giving in to her older brother's awful nagging as she carefully stands up, "You've told me all that before. I remember."

      "You better remember!" Yoongi huffs, his mind travelling back to the days when they were younger, when every morning he woke her up with the exact same speech, "Breakfast is important."

      "Breakfast is important." B woefully agrees; an amused smile fighting it's way onto Yoongi's face at the sight of her usual morning moping. With a lazy groan she flops onto the floor next to her suitcase and rifles through its contents, drawing back with a TOP tank top and black jeans in her hands. Then B turns to look back up at her awaiting brother, and Yoongi can already tell by the way her eyes sparkle that she's going to ask for a favor. 

      Not that Yoongi minds. He loves spoiling her.

      "Oppa?" Her soft voice is just too sweet. Yoongi can't imagine how anyone could ever say no to her, "Can I wear one of your sweatshirts again?"

      "My sweatshirts?" Yoongi grumbles, pretending to be upset even as he wanders over to his closet, "Why would you want to wear one of my boring old sweatshirts? They're nothing special."

      "They're special because they're yours, oppa," B admits quietly, barely loud enough for Yoongi to hear. Yoongi's ears burn as he pulls out his softest sweatshirt and tosses it to the girl behind him, trying to ignore the fact that her sweet words just made his day.

      "You happy now?" Yoongi's fake frown fades into a genuine smile as he watches her happily bury her face into the soft fabric. Her eyes shine with happiness, crinkling cutely at the edges when she finally looks back at up him.

      Oh~ my poor heart. Why does she have to be so freaking cute?

      "Very!" The quiet giggles spilling from B's lips remind Yoongi of chiming bells and everything bright and happy. Yoongi wishes she could always be this happy. That he can always be by her side. Sadly, life isn't that easy.

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