33 | Little Min Swag

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      For a blissful minute, Yoongi doesn't remember.

      To him, it feels like every other morning~ he wakes up warm and perfectly comfortable just like he has for the past three days. His arms curl tighter around the slim form of his sister, breathing in the soft strawberry scent that reminds him of his mother.

      Eomma. Yoongi's lips curl into a fond smile as the memory of his warm, loving mother who always treated him like a prince and gave him the warmest hugs in the world. I found her, eomma. I finally found her, and I'm doing my best to take care of her. Are you proud of me, eomma? Am I a good son? A good oppa?

      Good oppa.

      Yoongi feels his chest tighten as those two simple words trigger something in the back of his head, and before he realizes what's happening, he remembers. He remembers the white hot anger fueling him. He remembers the drowning feeling of guilt. He remembers Hobi's wailing for forgiveness. And worst of all, he remembers the terror painted across Byeol's white face.

      The chaotic events of the day before all come crashing back at once, burying Yoongi in a mess of emotions. He burrows his face into Byeol's hair, grounding himself as the sudden rush of anxiety threatens to pull him away.

      Good oppa? Yoongi fights off the urge to snort, not wanting to disturb B's much needed sleep. What kind of joke is that? All I've done is hurt people and make Byeol-ah cry!

      Yoongi rolls over onto his back, pulling his little bundle of joy AN: I know she's not a baby, but this description just seems to fit her so well! along with him so that she's settled comfortably on top of him. Her face nuzzles into his neck, softly sighing in contentment before falling still. Another wave of guilt surges up in Yoongi's gut.

      I've only been reunited with her for a little over a week, but I've already succeeded in disappointing her and nearly causing her to have a panic attack.

      Yoongi knows that he's got a lot to make up for, and he's going to try his hardest to re-earn his title of best oppa in the world. Because Byeol only deserves the best.

      Ever so carefully, Yoongi pulls his phone off the the side table with his free arm and switches it on. The screen lights up; Byeol's cheeky grin and his own gummy smile staring right back at him. A smile fights its way onto Yoongi's face as he remembers how pitifully lovable Byeol looked when begging him to take photos with him. Only after her sad little face broke Yoongi's heart did he allow her to take multiple selfies of the pair, but with the memory stored forever on his phone in the form of B's happy smile, Yoongi can't really complain.

      It takes Yoongi nearly a minute to drag his attention away from her inherited gummy smile (his mother always told him that they got it from their halmeoni) and focus on the white numbers floating above the picture.

      8:37 AM.

     Well, we went to bed super early yesterday, so I suppose now is a good enough time as any to wake her highness.

      Yoongi puts the phone back down on the side table with a soft clack before turning his full attention to the sleeping ball of fluff. Yoongi gingerly brushes her bangs away from her tightly shut eyes, adoring the sleep-induced puffiness of her face. One thumb smooths over her left eyebrow as Yoongi whispers in her ears.

      "Byeol-ah~" Yoongi knows that B's ears are ultra sensitive in the morning, so he keeps his tone as soft as possible, "It's time to wake up, sweetheart."

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