12 | A Girl?!

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      "Soooo... Jimin-ah." 

      Jin can't help it. He's naturally curious.

      I gotta know. I gotta know. What if he's making bad life choices? What if he's getting into the wrong things? What if he's getting into drugs, which is why he was acting all giggly and off-his-rocker the other day? What if he needs me, but is too embarrassed to ask, and I don't check to make sure he's okay? What would happen then?

      "Mmm hmm?" Jimin replies, too busy looking at whatever's on his phone too look up at Jin. Jin huffs.

      Aish, kids these days. No respect for their elders.

      "How'd your "talking" go the other day?" Jin keeps his tone as casual as possible, trying his hardest not to give away his drowning curiosity. Jimin perks up at the question, and immediately raises his head to look in Jin's eyes; his crescent eyes twinkling like stars.

"Great, hyung!" Jimin's lips curl up into a bright smile that Jin can't possibly miss, "I really got to know a lot more about them

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"Great, hyung!" Jimin's lips curl up into a bright smile that Jin can't possibly miss, "I really got to know a lot more about them. The game of exchanging questions really made it a lot less awkward, too!" 

     "Them?" Jin keys in on the unknown, his eyes narrowing into slits as he calmly clasps his hands behind him. Jimin nods his head enthusiastically, completely oblivious to his hyung's skepticism.

      "My new friend!" Jimin declares with glee, his forgotten phone falling into his lap as he clutches his fisted hands to his face in excitement, "I met them at the cafe, and they invited me to meet with them everyday. They're a huge book nerd, and are always being super sarcastic. They're kinda grumpy all the time, but not in a mean way." 

      Like there's a difference between mean grumpy and nice grumpy. Grumpy is grumpy and that's that!

      "Like Suga-hyung!" Jimin compares his new friend to Yoongi, and Jin has to admit defeat.

      Yoongi does somehow manage to be grumpy and nice at the same time... but that doesn't mean Jimin's new friend will be the same! There's only one Yoongi, and I've never met anyone like him in my whole life.

      "Where'd you meet your new friend?" Jin asks as pleasantly as he can, trying not to strangle the kid while shouting "Didn't your mother ever tell you not to talk to strangers?".

      "I met them at the cafe you and Tae Tae visit every morning!" Jimin smiles sweetly, humbly answering every one of his scrupulous friend's nosy questions without complaint, "I go there in the early afternoon to have a coffee break, and occasionally lunch. I met them by accident on my first visit."

      Well at least I know where he disappears to every day; to meet this 'them' at the Simple Things Cafe...

      "Does your friend have a name?" Jin questions further, still not quite satisfied, "Or are you going to keep referring to your friend as 'them'. And, just for curiosities' sake, is your new friend a boy or a girl?" 

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