19 | Except One

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      The event we've all been waiting for... Chapter 20 is here. Waste no more time. Dive in.

      P.S. Please don't hate me. :(

      "Kim Taehyung, where do you think you're going?" Hoseok demands, quite surprised to find the second youngest trying to sneak out the front door at 5:30 in the morning. Hoseok can't quite believe his eyes at the sight of Taehyung, one of the two laziest members, up and fully functioning at this hour. On any other day the brunet would still be buried under his covers, dreaming of Gucci, but instead here he stands at the front door, his thick jacket pulled on one arm. 

      Taehyung snaps his head back at the sudden voice, eyes widening.

      Normally Taehyung is quite complacent; always quick to listen to his hyungs (except Jimin, of course, who he hardly thinks of as his hyung), but today when Hoseok discovers his attempting to leave the dorm, he seems to move at the speed of light. His jacket is over both shoulders and his hand already twisting the knob by the time Hoseok sprints across the room to stop him.

      Hobi yanks the slightly taller boy backwards, the feat fairly easy for the lithe boy. Taehyung whines loudly in protest, and reaches out longingly for the door as Hoseok drags him back into the living room by the collar of his coat.

      "I wouldn't have to drag you back in here if you just told me where you're going!" Hobi huffs, gently pushing the younger into the center of the living room before placing both of his bony hands on his hips like an unamused mother. Taehyung stares back with wide, innocent eyes that flicker from one side of the room to the other as if looking for any opportunity to escape, "Where in the world do you think you're going at 5:30 in the morning without telling anyone?"

      "Uh- well..." Taehyung blanks at the question for a second, spacing out at the wall behind Hobi as he tries to process the question in his semi-panicked state. His eyes snap back into focus as soon as his mind is done, and he sheepishly scratches the back of his neck before gently pulling something out of his back pocket, "I just thought- you know, since I haven't really been much help to any of you recently- that I might just go... looking?"

      Looking for what? Our sanity? 'Cause I'm pretty sure that's long gone by now, and never coming back. I mean, I live with six freaks who scream Big Bang lyrics in the middle of the night, and cuddle after crying over Baymax. How much more lost can our sanity get?

      Hobi accepts the paper gently, staring at the slightly-blown-up (AN: As in zoomed in; not as in torn to shreds or decimated by a boom) copy of Suga's last picture of his beloved little sister. Her smile is bright; just as bright or brighter than Suga's own gummy smile. Her cheeks are pressed tightly up against her brother's as he hugs her tightly against him, the similarity in their feline-like eyes, pale complexions, and gummy smiles unmistakable. 

      "Looking?" Hobi looks up from the photo with a gentle smile, "How exactly?"

      "Well I..." Tae blinks slowly, looking a little surprised that Hobi didn't reject his idea right from the get go, "I didn't really plan it too much... I was just gonna go to a couple different residential areas and go door to door. Nothing too complicated."

      "I think it's a good idea, Tae." Hobi smiles brightly at him before frowning again, "You coulda just told me that in the first place! Why did you try to run?"

      "You- you think it's a good idea?" Taehyung's entire face brightens like a light bulb. He ducks his head into the collar of his trendy coat, sheepishly grinning, "I thought you were going to tell me it was stupid, and then make me run laps or something."

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