49 | Heart-Stopping

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      Um-- oops? This was absolutely unplanned. I'm not quite sure whether I regret it or not.

     P.S.    TW ahead.

     I'm serious about the trigger warning. This is really... yikes.

      Yoongi is officially underwhelmed. Though in all honesty, he didn't expect much to begin with.

      Yoongi hadn't expected anything spectacular to come from the girl group that B is assisting. He knows only a little about them, things B has mentioned in passing, and none of them are impressive. The group uses a typical concept. Their choreography is simplistic more than anything else. And none of the members can actually produce or write music. Yoongi knew that the music will be good (B-ah helped to write and produce it, so of course it has to be amazing) and it is good, but the group just doesn't impress Yoongi. 

      The members are meh. The rapper is meh. The vocalists are meh. The one that sings all the high notes goes slightly flat multiple times. It's all just meh.

      But if this is what Byeol-ah is so devoted to, then who am I to discourage her? Yoongi sighs, trying to covertly cover his ears when the lead vocalist starts sliding sharp. As long as she isn't hurting, then I'm going to support her. I cost her so much of her childhood-- I owe her at least this much.

      It's a relief when the performance is over, both for Yoongi's ears and his impatience to see his princess after two days apart. His foot taps incessantly, his eyes following the girl group as they disappear behind stage. The next group seems just as redundant to Yoongi's irritable mood, their loud racket driving Yoongi up the wall. The host can't announce a thirty minute break fast enough, a headache startling to burrow it's way into the back of Yoongi's skull.

      A minute longer of that and I'd have to find some earplugs. Yoongi grumbles, pulling out his phone and checking for a message from Byeol. He frowns when there isn't one, and contemptuously shoves the offending device back in his pocket. Their performance finished up nearly seven minutes ago. Shouldn't she be done soon? It's shouldn't take that long to help the group out of their stage outfits and brief them on the schedule.

      Sitting right next to the rapper, Jimin checks his phone as well. The boy's reaction isn't dissimilar to Yoongi's, but his pout is a lot less terrifying than Yoongi's scowl. Yoongi's frown only grows at the sight of Jimin's blank homescreen. Impatience runs hot in his veins, a surge of over-protectiveness and concern tensing his jaw.

      "Has B-ah texted you yet?" Namjoon asks, innocently curious. His eyes circulate between Jimin and Yoongi, "Is she ready?"

      If she texted me, don't you think I would've told you already? Yoongi's tempted to snort disdainfully, but he holds himself back. Namjoon didn't do anything to deserve Yoongi's anger. Yoongi's upset with B's manager, not Joon. Maybe... maybe she changed her mind about wanting to see us? She seemed excited, but maybe I upset her?

      Yoongi can't bring himself to answer, and pulls his phone out of his pocket again. He obsessively turns it on and off, as if the action will somehow magically spur B into texting him faster.

      "No." Jimin answers for the both of them, his kind eyes displaying impatience just as obviously as Yoongi's excessive phone-checking, "Not yet. Which is weird, because shouldn't she be done by now? It's been eight minutes and counting..."

      "It doesn't take this long for our staff to finish up after a performance." Hoseok chimes in, eyebrows furrowed in concern, "She should already be on break."

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