III | Coffee

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     Jimin skips down the sidewalk, trying (and failing) to contain his excitement. Tae had been bugging him all week and Jimin finally gave in yesterday. Today is the day they agreed on. 

      Jimin reads off the names of the different shops and restaurants to himself as he walks, looking out for one in particular. He knows that it's still a couple blocks away, but he can't help but look for it anyway, excitement chasing away common sense. Taehyung described the place as small, quaint, and comforting, with an aura that made it feel like home. Everyone at BigHit has been talking about it, and for some reason (even though he isn't a coffee person) Jimin's really craving the bittersweet flavor of a Caramel Macchiato. Today is the day he finally decided to try the place out. 

       The good reviews haven't just come from BigHit staff members-- Jin hyung and Taehyung have also frequented this new coffee shop multiple times, and the loud pair won't stop raving about it. They bring in large cups of the coffee regularly (like the coffee addicts they are-- except Taehyung, who hates coffee and is addicted to the cafe's specialty cocoa), and don't hesitate to promote their new favorite cafe, waving around the logo on the cups like it's some kind of trophy. 

      Annoying as their persistent badgering is, Jimin knows that the other members have good taste when it comes to things like this, and he's genuinely impressed by how fast a simple coffee shop has gotten them addicted. A new record indeed, especially for Tae, who hates coffee and orders a plethora of different teas and hot chocolates instead.

        Jimin's smile falters a bit when he thinks of Taehyung. Tae was supposed to come with him today, but a delay in Tae's schedule had ruined their plans, so Jimin was forced to walk the half mile between the studio and the cafe by himself. Not that Jimin is upset with Tae for bailing but... Jimin is a people person, and he's really wishing he had some company by now. 

      Maybe I'll meet someone new in the cafe, and chat with them! New people are always an adventure fun to talk to.

       Jimin's eyes curl into crescents as he smiles brightly, congratulating himself on such a good idea, and the boy continues walking with greater vigor. No more than three minutes later, the simple, yet flashy, white sign appears on the side of a little shop that sits comfortably between two larger more formal looking-buildings. Jimin runs a hand through his carefully cut and styled hair (currently a bright orange color) and examines the shop.

        Jin was right; it's definitely a cute shop, even from the outside. The windows at the front of the shop are shiny, obviously recently washed, and two little tables with three chairs and a flower pot each sit in front of each window on either side of the door. A couple sits at one of the tables, cutely holding hands as they chat, making Jimin once again feel a little lonely.

        A bell dings as Jimin pushes the door open, and he smiles to himself as he looks around the little store. Flowers and cute coffee quotes are spread sporadically around the room, and a few candles sit on top of the tables in the middle. The far left corner of the room has the counter, where a short girl with dark blue hair busily works with a coffee machine. The far right corner of the room, however, has a single table with two lounge chairs and two bookshelves against the walls of the corner. 

      A single person sits at that table in the corner, their face hidden behind the cover of a large book. The unknown person is curled up in the right lounge chair, their small form and thin features reminding Jimin of Suga-hyung. Silver-white hair cascades down their shoulders in soft waves, but the color can't be natural: no elderly person would be able to sit criss-cross applesauce with such ease. Jimin smiles gently as he lets himself stare for a moment, captivated by the sight of a book nerd with dyed hair. Jimin huffs and takes a deep breath before forcing himself to walk onward towards the counter.

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