32 | Didn't You Know?

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      You ready for some ultimate fluff? (And a hint of Bmin?) Let's have a celebration for the first time ever in- guess who's POV?

      And dear goodness, this chapter is long. 

      [NOTE-- I do not condone violence. I do not agree with Yoongi's decision to resort to violence, and I plan to change this scene completely in the Rewrite. Please do not misunderstand.]


      B races inside the dorm, her head swirling with voices she doesn't want to hear. Her lungs heave with every breath, struggling to get enough oxygen. Old memories of things she doesn't want to remember flash in front of her eyes, and she has to bite her lip to prevent a scream from tearing out of her throat.

      Where's my oppa? I need oppa.

      She bursts into the living room, her hair streaming behind her, desperate for the only person that can effectively chase all her demons away. Her wide, frightened eyes frantically scour the room, ready to dash to her oppa's side the moment she spots him.

      Except he's not there. 

      Instead a wide-eyed Jimin and a startled Namjoon stare back at her, questions racing through their bewildered expressions.

      "B-ah? Angel, were you just running?" Jimin is quick to leap up from the couch and race to her side, his soft hands reaching up to cup her pale cheeks

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      "B-ah? Angel, were you just running?" Jimin is quick to leap up from the couch and race to her side, his soft hands reaching up to cup her pale cheeks. His gentle touch lessens the terrifying pressure in her chest, but B's mind still screams for the safety that comes from her oppa's presence, "Aish! You're freezing cold, and really pale too! Are you feeling alright?"

       Jimin quickly scans her for injuries before returning his gaze to B's white face, his beautiful chocolate eyes searching hers. B swallows, her entire body shaking.

       I'm so pathetic.  

      "Yoongi oppa." B whispers desperately, her head hanging low in shame. Her hands clutch onto Jimin's sweater like her life depends upon it, the warmth of Jimin's body seeping through the fabric, "I want my oppa."

      "Hyung's still at the studio, angel." The gentle boy tugs her towards the couch, carefully helping her onto the cushion as if she's a glass doll. B can feel Namjoon's calculating eyes carefully watching them, but she doesn't have the energy to care. Jimin sits close beside her, wrapping his arm comfortingly around her as he pulls out his phone, "I'll call him and tell him you're not feeling well. He'll be here as soon as he can; don't worry."

      "I want my oppa." B whispers pitifully, still trembling even when bundled in Jimin's warmth.

      "I know you do, angel." Instead of being irritated, like B thought he'd be, Jimin only sounds sad, lifting his phone to his ear with a worried frown plastered to his handsome face. Jimin's eyes never leave hers, asking so many questions all at once; B can feel the answers circling through her mind, but she can't bring herself to speak them. B tucks her head into the front of Jimin's fuzzy grey sweater, unable to meet his anxious gaze. 

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