26 | Mask On

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      I'm sorry for the long wait. This chapter is evil. :(

      Yoongi wraps his arm back around B's tiny waist as he guides her down the hallway towards the kitchen, insurmountably happy that the other members of Bangtan are so loving and respectful. For a moment there it had looked like Jungkook was going to murder Yoongi's favorite person in the whole world, but now, as Yoongi glances over his shoulder at the boy, he only looks dreadfully confused.

      Yoongi can't blame him. After all, he would be just as confused if Jungkook brought in some random girl, treated her like a princess, and let her torture the other members as she wished. But then again, Byeol isn't just some random girl.

      The pale man tightens his grip on B at that thought, a mixture between excitement and nerves making his heart beat wildly. This is what I've always been dreaming about. I'm finally going to be able to introduce the members to my sister. He can only hope that the other members have been looking forward to this as much as he has.

      Yoongi watches Jimin place his hand back on B's shoulder out of the corner of his eye, but Yoongi ignores the subtle gesture and directs his attention towards more pressing matters. 

      "See, I told you they aren't so bad." Yoongi murmurs into B's ear, motioning back towards Jungkook. The girl doesn't follow the movement with her, deciding to clutch with tembling fingers onto the arm that's wrapped around her instead. Yoongi's heart aches a little as he watches the sparkle in her eyes -caused by Kookie- slowly melting back into dread. He takes a deep breath and presses a comforting kiss into her hair, "You don't have to be so scared of them, princess. They're good guys. I'd trust them with my life."

      "B-but all the other boys back there--" Her velvety voice trembles a little as she pictures the place, and Yoongi sadly knows exactly what she's referring to. After all, they both grew up in the same house, "They liked to throw r-rocks at me. Aren't all boys like that--- except you and Noise Boy?"

      Have all the boys she's ever met (except for me and Jimin, of course) treated her like trash? Is that why she's like this? Has every man she's crossed on the street treated her like she's worthless? She's been living by herself for seven years now. Has she never once met another boy who was remotely nice to her?

      "Of course not." The thoughts whirring through Yoongi's head make his back tense in anger, even as he forces his voice to be as soothing as their mother's was, "They'll probably think you're adorable, and treat you like a princess, just like I do."

      "I'm sure you'll like them, angel." Jimin pipes in, sending the small girl one of his bright smiles, almost succeeding in covering up his own worry that's so obvious to Yoongi, "Jungkook's one of them, and you like him, don't you?"

      "Y-yeah," B whispers, pulling the three to a stop, the doorway of the dining room suddenly too close for comfort, "But he's a bunny. I like bunnies."

      "Well... another one of them is a horse," Yoongi offers, "You like horses, right?"

      "I guess." The girl, who was not so long ago sassing 'Noise Boy' in the safety of Yoongi's room, now shrivels into her own body; fear driving her to press her small round face into the warmth of Yoongi's chest, "I-I don't feel hungry anymore, oppa. Do I really have to go in there?"

      "Yes." Yoongi sighs. He'd known this was going to happen, and his prediction unfortunately came true, no matter how long the pep talk he'd given her was. 

      Yoongi had noticed something was very off the moment he'd mentioned having her meet the members. Sure, she was always afraid of the rocks that the boys in their neighborhood had thrown and she'd always hated the nasty words that the intoxicated locals had shouted her way, but she'd never been afraid of them. Not like this. She's never cowered away from the thought of being around strange males before, but now, even with Yoongi here to protect her, she's terrified.

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