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Every time it write I feel like I'm writing a lot and then a I post and it's like 5 pages :(


"Boys are stupid!" I say as I grab a tub of ice cream. "But I love him!" Abby wails as I grab a couple spoons. "Come on." I say grabbing her arm and dragging her up the stairs.

"Here." I say handing her a spoon. I take a bite and hug her. "Why are you eating ice cream?" She asks pulling the tub closer I her. "'Cause it's hard work being a therapist!" I say taking another bite. "So how did you---" I get cut of by Abby's phone. "It's Ash." she sighs taking a bite. I grab her phone and answer. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Abby shouts at me.

"ABBY?!" Ash yells into the phone. "Not quite." I say annoyed. "Oh. Hi Alex." he says i can hear the frown in his face. "How could you?!" I shout at him. "Let me explain!" he sighs. "Fine." I say putting my hand on my waist. "Well first off. That girl in the photo. She's not my girlfriend." He says sighing. "Oh yea?" I ask not believing him. "Anymore." He finishes. "Wow Ash!" I say wanting to slap him. "Well Abby and I broke up! I was lonely! I missed Abby an needed I get my mind off of her!" he says crying. "Oh." I say feeling like crap. "Ash." I say trying to comfort him. "Can you just put Abby on the phone?" he asks through tears. "S-sure." I stutter.

"Abs. I know you'll hate me but, I need you to talk to Ash. Let him explain." I say sighing. "NO!" she yells. "Abby! Please! I wouldn't do this if I wasn't sure! I'm your best friend!" I exclaim. "Fine." she says glumly grabbing her phone.


"H-hello?" I stutter into the phone. "Hey." Ash croaks. "Lex says you have something to tell me..." my voice trails off. "Yea. I do actually." he says taking a deep breath. He tells me everything.

"I. Um. I had something to tell you." I say scratching the back of my neck. "I. I almost went out with Luke." I say quickly. "Hemmings?" he asks a hint of jealousy in his voice. "Yea." I say relieved to get it if my chest. "It's the hair isn't?!" he asks after awhile. "What? No!" I say giggling. "My hairs unquiffable! it's not my fault that I was born with curly locks!" He says giggling.

"Be careful." he tells me with a hint if sadness in his voice. "I love you and I always will but I want you to get married and have kids one day." He sighs sadly. "Just take care bye." he says ending the call. "Wow." I say astonished.


I heard everything. Now all I need to do is wait for the right moment and ask her out.






Abby Hood. What have you done to me? You've made me completely and utterly fall in love with you! I love you so much I would take a plane to see you everyday! And you feel the same. But you like Hemmings! And now I can never kiss you, or hold you, or wipe away your tears because I'm a thousand miles away! Abby hood I love you! I would say it to the world. But you are my world and you would be able to hear me. People say "if you love something set it free and if it comes back than it's truly yours." you came back for winter break but you aren't mine. I hope one say you find someone who will love you as much as I do. I'm jealous if the man who will one day get to hold you in his arms and tell you how much he loves you. Who will hug you, kiss you, and get to lie next to you at the end of the day. I love you.






"I like you idea."

"Let's do it then."

"What if she doe at want me there?"

"She does."

"What about your mom?"

"She'll be fine with it."

"Okay then."

"Let's do this."

"Don't tell her."

"I won't."

"Are you sure about this?"









"Can Ash move in with us?" I ask hopefully. "N--" "it would make Abby, him, and I happy. Don't to what that for your kids?" I ask using the guilt card. "I have a better idea." mom answers smiling. "I'll pursuance Anne Marie to let Ash move back in." She says smiling. "Sounds good." I say content. "Let's do it."






"See ya in a week."

"See ya."

This chapter was everywhere! I hope you liked it! Love ya!


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