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A/n Please read the a/n at the end of the story!

Abby's POV~

I was sitting in between Michael and Luke and would do anything to sit by Calum, and I never want to sit by Calum! Gosh why does Calum have to be friends with him I think. "Sorry?" Luke says. Did I just say that out loud? I thought panicking. "Yup and that too." he laughs and the people behind him hush him.

The movie starts and some girls are already crying. The movie goes on but the second they say "maybe okay will be our always" I start crying. Crying not because I love the book which I do but because of Ash. I leave the theater and run to the bathroom to stop from crying. "The fault in our stars?" says a girl a couple years younger. "I guess you could say that" I laugh wiping away a tear. I clear my throat and I leave the bathroom, prepared to go back in.

"Oh hey there you are!" I hear Luke and cringe. "Hi" I say walking towards the theater. Luke grabs my hand before I go and I don't say anything I just try to get out of his grip. "It only gets sadder..." he says finally letting go of my hand. "Well what are we gonna do?" I say getting a bit pissed of. He pulls some keys out of his pocket and we leave.

Once we get in the car I'm prepared for an awkward silence. "I-I hope this doesn't sound weird," he starts "but I watch your YouTube videos." he says biting his lip. "Oh, do you like them?" I ask trying to make conversation "Yea! They're great! I especially love the singing videos." He says smiling and before I can say a thank you he asks "Why don't you ever sing? You're always playing the guitar, violin, or the piano." "I-I don't think I sound as good as she does." I answer honestly. "That's a load of bull!" Luke exclaims. "Luke?" i say laughing "What? what's so funny?" he says fake pouting. "You haven't heard me sing..." I giggle. "Oh." he says we get to my house and before I leave he asks "Can you sing for me?" "I- Im- i- I'm not really good..." I stutter. "You'll be great! Please?!" he pleases like a 6 year old.

We get inside and I run up stairs and grab my keyboard. I did a cover of Troye Sivan's The Fault in our stars (really good!) and when I finished I wiped away a tear.

"That was really good!" Like says amazed. "Aw thank you! That means a lot to me!"


I swear these are gonna get better as the story progresses! okay so a couple of things!

1. Go check out Troye! He did a cover of Heartbreak Girl! He has a new EP coming out and he wrote (I think) all the songs! He sing tfios and it makes me cry like a baby! Check out Happy Little Pill from his new ep!

2. I'm going on Vacation or Holiday if you're from England. I'll be leaving this Tuesday and I'll come back Saturday at midnight D: so I'll try and write tomorrow! I'll write on Sunday if I don't tomorrow!

3. I love each and every single one if you!


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