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one month later

lukes pov ;

"please I gotta get out of here" I whine.

"Luke you still have another 2 weeks" doctor Collins sighs over the intercom.

"I'm going insane in here. I don't even know what day it is" I say twitching.

"Luke there's nothing I can do." she says sympathetically.

"I don't even know what I look like anymore." I cry out.

"then I'll get you a mirror" she says and I hear her get up.

while she was gone I thought of an escape plan.

1. charging at the glass does nothing

2. being "kind" doesn't do shit around this place...

3. doctor Collins isn't into 18 year old nut jobs...

she returned and slides the mirror through the tiny food slot.

I grabbed the mirror and examined myself, my once shinning eyes had become dull and puffy with dark circles underneath, my onceclean shaved face had become rough with stubble not to mention my face had gotten thinner along with my shriveling body.

I hastily slid the mirror back in the slot and looked at my ribs that poked out like they never did before.

"Luke you should eat something." doctor Collins says with concern in her voice.

"I might be crazy but I'm not stupid. I know you put meds in my food. that's why I only drink the water and flush that sloppy shit you call food down the toilet.

"Luke you're gonna develop an eating disorder."

"so be it."

"you could die!"

"good! I don't want to live like this anymore! I just want to go back to my normal life!" I shouted a my voice cracking.

"I'll get you out of here luke. I promise."

abby's pov ;

I laid in bed staring at my ceiling and contemplating life as we all do at 12 am.

Ashton wasn't relevant in my life any longer, I had pushed him out and pulled Michael in.

Ashton was happy with Piper who was released out of the hospital a week after they kissed and she returned to school a little while afterwards, still with no recollection of the accident. apparently from post transcribed stress.

Calum and Alex were a thing now and even though it was a bit weird at first I got used to it. Except for the kissing and making part... that's still pretty disgusting. I don't care if I sound like some 6 year old girl yelling cooties at the playground it's nasty. like get a room. actually don't. or if you do buy a condom...

And I haven't seen lucifer qin a while maybe he's ---

I jerk out of my thoughts when something hits my window. I open the door to my balcony.

"Michael ??" I ask in shock.

I look down and see him with a guitar in his hand and letters spelling out "Prom?" behind him with fairy lights on them

he clears his throat and began singing,

"Throwing rocks at your window at midnight. You met me in your backyard that night. In the moonlight you looked just like an angel in disguise"

"Abby Hood would you do me the honor of going to prom with me?" he asks nervously.

"i-- yes. I'd love to." I smile.

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