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OMG 547 views! That's amazing! I never thought when I started writing that I would get over 500 views!

Hood house~



It was November. 1 month before I was going to see Ash! And I haven't told mom about Ash... "What's up?" Calum says taking a seat across from me on the couch. "Nothing." I at staring at the wall in front of me. "What are you doing?" Cal says scooting closer to me and staring at the wall. "Just. Thinking." I say resting my head on my shoulder. "About?" Cal says his questioning starting to get annoying. "Ash." I state simply. "What---" I cut him off "You ask to many questions!" I say in frustration getting up and going to the kitchen. "You need to tell mom about Ash." he says following me into the kitchen. "I know that's what I was thinking about." I sigh. "She's coming home early today. Tell her then." he suggests. "I will." I say smiling.

"Hey I'm home!" mom yells taking off her shoes. "Tell her." Cal whispers nudging me. "I can't!" I whisper back starting to panic. "Whatcha guys taking about?" mom says giving us a puzzled look. "Nothing." I lie smiling "What are 2 up to this time?" she says crossing her arms over her chest. "Abby has something to tell you!" Calum blurts out. "Calum!" I yell at him. He runs up the stairs and as I turn to beat the crap out if him mom says "What do you want to tell me?" she says taking a seat. I tell her everything! How we met, how he stood up for me, him moving, and as I tell her about me visiting Ash she cuts me off. "You expected me to let my only daughter go to New York by herself?!" She asks in shock. I smile innocently "Ill be 18...." I squeak. "Still! You're too young to go by yourself." she yells. "Come on mom! Please!" I say near tears. "No. Not by yourself! Find some one older than yourself to go and I'll think about it!" she yells after me as I stomp up the stairs like a 2 year old and go to my room.

Next day at school~

Alex and I get to band and as usual Michael comes in and sits with us. "Hey!" Michael says cheerfully. "Why are you so happy?" I say still feeling a mix if emotions from last night. "Why aren't you?!" he says shaking my shoulders. "Should I be?" I sigh. "Well our birthdays are coming up!" he says smiling. "I already know what I'm getting you for your birthday!" Alex smiles hugging me "Come on perk up!" She says patting my head. "What do you want for your birthday?" Michael asks. "To go to New York." I mumble mostly to myself. "She wants to see Ash for winter break," Alex explains "but her mom won't let her go by herself." She finishes. "Why don't you go with Cal? Or Alex?!" Mike offers. "Do you know how much teasing I would get from Cal at the end if day from seeing my boyfriend?! Besides she wants someone older than myself to accompany me. Sorry Lex." I say frowning. "I'll go with you!" he suggests. I laugh thinking he's joking. "Are you serious?" I stop laughing. "Yea! I mean I'll look around New York while you see Ash! I could hang out with April!" Michael says seriously. "Okay." I say thinking about it "But your only 3 days older than me." I think out loud. "Still older than you." he replies. "I'll bring it up with my mom!" I say smiling. "I owe you!" I say hugging Michael to death.


Mom got the day off and I told her after lunch "I could go to New York with Michael." "Michael?" he thinks out loud. "He's like 2 days older than you." Mom says shaking her head. "3. And he's still older!" I say smiling. "I don't know I'll think about it..." she says and leaves.

November 24th~

Today was Calum and I's birthday! "Were officially adults." Cal says in aw. "Yep." I say in shock. We decide we were gonna invite 1 friend if ours and Michael since he was our mutual friend. I, of course, chose Alex, and I wasn't to sure who Cal invited but I guess I would find out!

Alex and Michael get there minutes apart with 2 presents each. The doorbell rings and I go to answer it to see....


Who else.

"Hey!" Luke says ecstatic. "Hi!" I say coping Luke. I open the door wider and let him in.

Opening Presents~

"Open my present first!" Alex screeches shoving my present in my face and doing the same to Calum making mom jump. Cal rips open his box and pulls out a Green day shirt "Nice!" Cal says giving Lex a high five. I rip the wrapping paper off and get a knife from the kitchen to open the box and I pull out a Pewdiepie backpack. "You know me too well!" I squeal with excitement and give Alex a hug. Then we go onto Mikey's presents once again Cal opens his first reviving a Katy Perry poster (Idek I couldn't think) "I love it"Cal say wiping away a fake tear making all of us laugh. I open mine to see a Catching Fire sweater. "Mikey I love it!" I say hugging him tightly. "I know you have a million Catching Fire shirts and I wasn't sure if you had a sweater so I thought---" I cut him off. "I love it!" Then came Luke's present. I open mine first this time and I pull out a divergent poster "Another one to add to the collection!" he says smiling at my reaction. "Thank you!" I say hugging him and he freezes so I pull away awkwardly. Cal opens his to see a Blink 182 shirt! He thanks Luke and mom comes back with 2 envelopes. We decide to open these at the same time and we both are shocked by what we see.

"We're going to see Katy Perry during winter break I got 2 tickets !" Calum yells at me jumping up and down and hugs me. But I'm frozen stiff I can't believe what I'm looking at. "Aren't you excited?! You love Katy Perry!" He says shaking me. "I'm not going." I get out. "What?! Why not?!" Calum says pouting. "I'll be on a plane with Michael to New York." I say with a wide smile.


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