Blaming and Detention

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"This is all your fault!" I shout. "Eff you!" she rolls her eyes. "You don't even cuss?" I say frustrated. "I'm going to be mature and not cuss. Besides.. Ash says not to swear" she mumbles the lat part. "'Oh Ash said this 'oh ash said that'" I imitate her. "Screw you!" she laughs mockingly. "Honey, Ash was a stupid, conceded, jerk." I chuckle. "Sounds like you're describing yourself" he mutters "Sorry what was that?!" I say through gritted teeth. "Ashton Irwin is 10 times a better man you are! You know Alex was right about you!" she laughs. "Oh and what did he say?!" I ask rhetorically. "That you were a no good, backstabbing, cheating a---" she cuts herself off. "You aren't worth my time" she waves me off. "Honey you wish you could have me!" I say cockily. "I did and then I realized what an a hole you were!" she shouts. "You wanna know why I slapped you?! Because I thought maybe Alex was wrong about you! That maybe you were a good guy who cared about me! But then I see you making out with Olivia Jackson?! So I slapped you in the face because the way it hurt in that moment felt like you slapped me in the face!" she finishes catching her breath while I sit there numb.

The rest of detention I think of what Abby said. Was I real that bad?! I thought to myself. The bell rang and detention was over. "Im sorry Abby." I say as she packs her things. "I wish I knew if you were telling the truth" she says sprinting out if the room.

DRAMA! 2 chapters in one day! Yay! I know this was short but I wants to write more! Enjoy your day loves!

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