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{Abby's POV}
I call up Luke and ask him to sneak me out of the house he agrees and I hang up. I redo my smeared makeup and fix my hair when I get a text from luke.

Lucifer😈: Waiting outside 😉

Me: What no rocks at my window 😝?

just then I hear a tapping noise and I open the door to the balcony and bubble out a giggle as I see luke attempting to throw rocks at my window. he smiles at me and waves for me to come down. I climb down the tree next to my balcony and we're off.

{Luke's POV}
we decide on going to get ice cream and I realize I've finally got the girl of my dreams.

{Abby's pov}

I guess I was wrong about Luke he's actually a nice guy! we chat for hours and I make sure to steer away from the topic not even mentioning his name I felt like everything was perfect up until he says "I'm really sorry about you and Ash?" my face drops but I make sure it isn't noticeable "Ash?..." I ask confused. 'I never told him about ash...' and it hits me like a truck. "Yea I'm sorry you guys broke up..." he says looking down. I know exactly how to respond. I'm gonna mess with his heart like he messed with mine. "It's fine. I think I've found someone better..." I bite my lip and place my hand on his thigh. he blushes furiously and I lean in to kiss him. "Oh luke you have some ice cream right there" I lie as our lips are centimeters away. "great way to ruin the moment luke" he mutters under his breath. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom and wash this off real quick, but we'll continue when I get back..." he says winking. I fake a giggle but honestly want to throw up. when he leaves I make a not on a napkin then dart out of the ice cream shop and head to the darkest place I can think of... HotTopic. I walk in as Therapy by All Time Low blares and I hide behind a rack of clothes. I need to get out of here but I came with Luke. I groan and think of who I can text to pick me up. not cal, he'll be to scared... Alex's mom will kill her if she's out... not ash he practically hates my guys right now.... MICHAEL!

{convo is showed on the first page also}

Me: Hey mikey I need a ride...

cliffoconda🐍: what's wrong?

me: I just need a ride please Mikey I'm in HotTopic in town

cliffoconda🐍: just wait there. you're really freaking me out abs...

me: please hurry.

{Lukes pov}

I fix my quiffed hair and pop a tic tac into my mouth. I snag this to be Ye perfect kiss. I take a deep breath and walk towards the table to see a note from Abby on a napkin. a middle finger and in small text "not today lucifer :)" I leave some cash on the table and run out the shop yelling Abby's name over and over again.

{Michaels POV}

Abby's text really freaked me out so I drove quickly but cautiously. when I get there I walk into the store and see Abby wiping away some tears while hiding behind some Attack on Titan t-shirts. "Abby?" I say loudly so he can hear me over the music. as soon as she sees me she wraps her arms tightly around my neck and hugs me tight. I hug her as tight as I can assuring her I'm here for her. "Are you okay babe?" I ask pushing away a few strands of hair from her face. "yea" she sniffles and we walk out the store hand in hand. she tells me everything before we get back to her house and I feel like punching luke in the face.

{store employee's pov} {this is just for fun}

I didn't know either one of them but I felt bad when the girl came in alone and was hiding behind the racks I knew that feeling wayyyy to well. I saw her text someone and the somewhat punk looking boy with fading red hair, an eyebrow piercing, and a couple visible tattoos walk in but when he hugged her I knew he was total softy. I was also shipping them so hard yelling in my head OTP OTP OTP!!!! while taking a few photos and sending them to friends while fangirling internally.

{Michael's pov}

once I took her back home I saw Calum sitting on the couch looking confused. "I thought you were sleeping!" he says to abby and gives her a scolding look but it soon changes to a sympathetic look when he sees her smeared mascara and messy hair. "sorry." she croaks as she flips her hair out of her eyes. "don't be." calum says walking over to us. he mouths a thank you and I tell him what abby told me while she washes off her makeup. suddenly the door bell rings and I open the door and there stands a panting luke. "what do you want Hemmings?!" calum says pissed. "WHERES ABBY?!" he shouts. "Screw off lucifer." I tell him holding in my anger. "I NEED TO SEE HER." he shouts. "LUKE I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DONT LEAVE!" I shout at him right then abby runs down the stairs to see what's going on and luke yells "ABBY HOOD WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO TO MAKE YOU LOVE ME?! I MEAN IM GOOD LOOKING! I HAVE PERFECT HAIR. MY LIP IS PIERCED FOR GOD SAKES SO WHAT ELSE DO I NEED TO DO TO MAKE YOU LOVE ME?!" he yells sounding like the cockiest jerk I've ever met and something snaps inside of me because I pull my fist back and with all my might I punch him in the face. Abby runs over to me as I shake off my bleeding knuckles and luke falls to the floor. abby runs to get me an ice pack as calum goes to take the unwanted visitor home.

{Abby's pov}

"you're my hero" I say giggling as I gently place the ice pack on michael's knuckles. "are you kidding me you're my hero!" he exclaims. I give him a look of confusion "I can't believe you didn't punch him sooner." he laughs

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