Principles Office

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A/n Sorry I haven't written in a while!


"He kissed you?!" I say my eyes nearly popping out of my head. She fakes a smile. "Please tell me you didn't kiss him back!" I groan. "Of course not" he eyes going wild. Abby can never tell a lie or her eyes go everywhere. "Abby Joan Hood!" I say exasperated. She just draws circles in the rug. "I just...." I sigh "don't want you so get hurt...." My voice trails off. "I won't! He's a nice guy!" She assures me.

Next Day At School~

"That jerk!" I exclaim. "Hmm?" Abby hums in responses taking a sip of her ice tea. I don't say anything I just point. Abby chocks at the sight if Luke and Olivia kissing. "I'm going to kill him!" she exclaims getting up. "Abby what are you doing?" I whisper shout. She just ignores me and stops away. Oh god.


I march over to Olivia and Luke and clear my throat. "Yes?" Olivia says looking at me in disgust. Her group all whisper things about me. "H-hi" Luke stutters and I don't know what comes over me put I slap him. I slaps him hard and loud. Everyone's staring. I wish I was in the library rereading Catching Fire.


I missed Olivia. As simple as that. So at lunch I apologized and before I knew it we were kissing. I heard someone clear their throat. Abby. I stutter out a hi and then I feel a burning sensation on my cheek. She just. Slapped me. Hard. Everyone looked at us.

And that's the story of how we ended up in the principles office.

"Do you know why you're here?" the principle asks calmly. "Because I slapped him." Abby answers in monotone. "And I'm very sorry. I know that, that was very wrong of me, and I understand that I will have a punishment and that you'll have to call my mom." She says like this has happened before. "Miss. Hood?" the principle questions. "Yes ma'am?" Abby answers sitting up straighter. "Is this your first time in the principle's office? "Yes Mrs. Beck." she replies almost immediately. "How did you know all of this then?" Mrs. Beck questions completely ignoring me. "My performance today was inferior ma'am," she takes a breath then continues saying, "and inferior performance shouldn't go without punishment, I can assure you ma'am my mother has taught me well, but today anger got the best of me." She says twiddling her thumbs. "Well you obviously know what you did is wrong but you're right I have to give you're mother a call and give you a detention, and as for you Mr. Hemmings," she adjusts her glasses, "you will also be reviving a detention." "For what?! Ma'am." I catch myself. "Because my school isn't a place for kissing!" she exclaims as if it was obvious. "With all do respect--" she cuts me off. "No negotiating!" she says standing and fixing her skirt. "You may leave."


This was so short! I know.

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