24|"made a mistake"

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Tour finally finished even though it only lasted two weeks but I just wanna be at home in my bed forgetting about everything and anything. I'm not in the mood to do anything I just want to be at home where I know I can breath a little.

Is been two weeks since I broke up with Maddie and my heart hurts everyday everything reminds me of Maddie. Flowers,city's,cakes, food,music even my favorite shirt because I know how much Maddie loves it.

I keep thinking I made a mistake, Maddie had all the quality's I been looking for and maybe I sit and think
Maybe I would realize Maddie was there for me just maybe.

I'm sitting In the car with my mom driving home she's always makes me tell what happened on tour so that's what I being doing since she picked me up.

"That's sounds fun I bet you had a fun time." She smiles at me while focusing on the road.

"Yeah it was fun." I mutter.

"Oh look we here." My mom Saids cherry.

Once she parked we both got out and I grab my bags and i fellow my mom inside the house, once we inside Jesse comes beaming with joy as she saw me then my dad comes walking in.

"Hey Bradley." My dad Saids hugging me.

"Hey dad." I smile.

"How was tour?" He asked.

"It was fun yeah great performances as usual." I said.

"That's good." He saids.

"Okay well I'm going upstairs I'm tried and yeah." I say walking upstairs to my room.

Once I get in the same cold room greets me, I put my bags down and noticed a box laying on my bed.

"That's from Maddie, she dropped it off three days after you guys broke up she said you probably want your stuff back." My dad Saids leaning against the door frame.

I nod and sit down on my bed and pull the box closer to me. I take all my clothes that I left at Maddie's place these were her favorite shirts, I take out some other stuff out then I reach to a picture frame of Maddie and I it was my favorite picture of us, Maddie and I along with Jesse laying in bed while smiling big even Jesse looks like she's smiling, there's a sticky note on the frame that reads.

You probably cut me out but you love this picture of Jesse so I thought you have it

I take the note off and rip it I would never crop her out I love this picture because she's in it.

As I'm putting the stuff back in even the clothes that I will fix it later, a note falls out of Maddie favorite shirt of mine.

I grab it and began to read it.

I put my heart on you for five months and I should have stopped believing that you was there for me. Even though this probably doesn't matter now but I finally put together on how many shows I been to. And too answer your question 12 shows I been to I know I only I been to one show in a America but. That was because I was trying to make a career on something I thought I was great at but after our break up turns out you have to be with someone with fame to dance. I don't hate you Bradley how could I fuck I love you and that hurts I hate myself for still loving you because I know you probably will be okay with this brake up you probably rolling your eyes at this letter but I just had to tell you everything before I leave.

I'm sorry for not supporting you I thought I was but I was guess I wasn't.
I hope you found someone who loves like I love you and takes care of you I know we promise forever but promises are always broken.


I hold the letter to my chest and began to cry not caring how loud I am or how much of a girl I look but I don't care she's my everything and I let her walk away I broke up with her because I was listening to other people then her. I was going to marry her but now I don't have a future with her I messed up and now she's leaving and I don't know where, everything is broken and they can't be fixed.

My mother comes walking in and she moves the stuff and pull me in a hug while I cry, she rubs my back and I grip on to her.

"I need her mom but now she's leaving she doesn't have a future with dancing because of me. I missed up everything I love her I'm so stupid why what's wrong with me." I began to choke on my sobs.

"You're not stupid Bradley, you broke up with her for a reason." My mom Saids trying to clam me down.

"No she was supporting me but I wasn't hard enough I should have been there for her I thought I was because I was around her but there's so many times where I made her stop what was doing for me, she didn't do that and yet I hurt her I broke up with her I love her so much mom but I lost her." I cry even harder.

"I don't think I can help on this one brad, you're hurting and I don't have the cure I'm sorry." She gives me a sympathetic smile.

"Can I be alone." I asked and she nods before kissing my head and walk out my room while closing the door.

I fall on my bed and let my tears ticked my face.

I hate my life without her.
Bradley finally realized he made a mistake

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