26|"What are you doing here"

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I never knew how many stops you have to do for a dog,we been driving for 4 hours now and we almost close to Maddie grandma house as it Saids on the directions Maddie parents gave me.

I'm so worried that when we finish talking (if she gives a chance) I be heartbroken I don't want to imagine my life without Maddie and not having her around me these last few weeks is absolutely torture. I need her and everything she comes with.

"Hey jess we almost there." I smile as jess pokes her head between the seats.

I really hope when I come home Maddie would be in the passenger seat.

Manchester is even more beautiful taking a drive then looking at the window from a tour bus, you love it more I have to take more trips down here soon.

I pull up at a big White House, I look at the number on the mail box to see is right.


Is the right place. I turn off the car and unbuckle my seat belt then I get out of the car and take Jesse out putting a leash on her collar, I walk up to the house and my nerves are hitting hard once I get to the front step I knock on it a few times and wait.

I hear the door unlock from the other side and it opens revealing a older woman with short gray hair in a light blue dress, her eyes remind of Maddie's so I know it's her.

"Hi I'm Bradley Simpson and this is my dog Jesse and-"

"Bradley! Jesse! You're Maddie ex boyfriend oh my god I heard so much about you please come in." She rushes us in and I take around the house it looks very cozy and very clean.

"I'm Jenny, Maddie grandmother." She pulls me in a hug and I'm shock at first because of the juster.

At least she doesn't hate me.

"So I'm guessing you're here for Maddie but I have to ask why? You broke her heart and now you're back why is that?" She asked turning into a stern grandmother.

"I made mistake and I'm here to fix it, miss Jenny I love Maddie I adore her. And these last few weeks has been hell I would do anything to have Maddie again literally anything and I understand if she doesn't want anything to do with me I don't blame her. But a few minutes with her is all I ask." I almost beg.

"You seem very charming Bradley but Maddie is actually out getting the shopping but please stay till she comes back." She smiles and I nod fellow her to the kitchen with Jesse.

"You can take Jesse leash off." She Saids and i nod what she Saids and Jesse rans over to Jenny wanting to be pet and she does.

I look around the kitchen and noticed a picture of a younger version of Maddie with a guitar and a smile.

"She was 11 and the boys picked on her because everyone else did gymnastics, dancing and plays but Maddie wanted to sing and play and she did what she loved because dancing she always knew so why do something she loved even more singing." Jenny Saids giving me a cup of tea which I thanked her for.

"She always had a beautiful voice." I smile.

"Yeah she does." Jenny smiles proudly.

"You know Maddie told me all about you how you saved her life and everything but she also told me she felt like she was slowly dying because she didn't have you." Jenny Saids and I feel my heart brake.

"My best mates didn't like her so they put stuff in my head and I believe them, it took me to get off tour to realize I made a mistake a big one." I say clearing my throat.

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