22|"Let's have fun tonight"

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"So boys, drinks tonight who's in?" Tristen asked as we all sit in the studio hanging out.

"I'm in." Connor speaks up.

"Me too." James Saids and then they all look at me.

I smile innocently at them and said.

"I staying with Madison tonight."

They all huff and whine, I know I miss a lot of lads nights because I'm with Mads but you they got to know I want spend every minute with her.

"You're always with Madison, Is lads night and you're coming tonight." Connor points a finger me.

"Let me think about this......my sexy girlfriend that gives me love and sex or my mates getting me drunk and I wake up with a horrible hangover." I jokingly think.

"I choose my girlfriend." I smile at them.

"No,no way." James shakes his head, "I better see you tonight." James adds.

"I think about it." I gave in and they all nod.

"So speaking of Maddie, what did you for your guys 7 month anniversary." Tristen Asked and I shrug.

"Sleep in,cuddle all day,had junk food etc." I say and they nod.

"That's nice and you banged her good." James snorts and they boys laugh and I sigh.

"My sex life, my business." I point at them.

"Our sex life, our business." Maddie suddenly comes through the door and I look at her with surprise.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I hug her body.

"You text me to meet you here." Maddie Saids and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Babe, I didn't text- boys!" I look at them as they hold their laughter.

"Okay fine we knew you probably say no about lads night, so we- I text Maddie from your phone to come over." Connor Saids and Maddie laughs and the boys are doing the same.

"You text my girlfriend from my phone to only ask if I could go to lads night." I roll my eyes.

"What's lads night?" Maddie asked and I smile.

"Is when the boys and I got out and get drunk till the early morning." I say and Maddie smirks.

"I hope you have fun." Maddie peck my lips before walking back to the door.

"Wait I'm going?" I asked and she nods.

"Is lads night, have fun just don't do anything bad......love you." She sings before leaving.

"Yes!! brad you're going to love it tonight." The boys shout at me.

She be the death of me.


"Alright brad let's get more drinks down in you." Tristen pass me two shoots which I moved to the other side of me so I won't drink it.

I love the boys and I love lad nights but the last time I went out and got drunk I cheated on my ex girlfriend, well she's was cheating too but still, god I sound like a cheater but that's the old me. I'm not like that anymore I have my Madison and that's all I need.

"Brad you been nudging our shots all night, drink it." Connor pushes and I grab my beer and drink it and he roll his eyes.

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