Chapter 30

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    As the Pelican landed Shepard was the first to step out. He looked over the area and motioned the others to follow out. The others slowly came out carrying some supplies, as they made their way to a cliff Alex laid down and started observing the land. When they finally set up the sun was already setting, the Spartans all relaxed on the ground as Alex continued to stay at watch. "So, have you seen anything yet kid?" Joseph placed his helmet on the ground. "Yeah, but just what looks like a bunch of outposts. A few guards here and there but nothing too big." He replied as he placed his binoculars down yawning. "Im guessing that's because it's night time already. In the morning the numbers will probably grow." He added as Nova covered the match with her hand to block the light so she could smoke some more. "Well we did what you guys said you wanted to, can i go back and take care of my patient?" Shepard shook his head. "Sorry we stay until Aloe comes. I understand you want to be near her every second of the day but the mission comes first. Also Aloes a tough girl, if a truck that was three-hundred times her size and weight couldn't kill her, im not sure what will." Nova looked down and nodded slowly. "And plus, dont you want to impress her?" Nova blushed and nodded before puffing out smoke into the trees so it couldn't be seen.  Alex rolled onto his back and watched the night sky, he closed his eyes and yawned. "I think im gonna knock out." He said as the others nodded in response. "I think we all are." Joseph said as he slumped down more to get comfortable. Shepard put his hands behind his head and rested, as for Nova she put out her cigarette and leaned against a box. As the others began to fall asleep, Nova began humming softly to herself, watching the sky as she held her helmet on her lap.


    When the sun crept across the horizon Alex was the first to rise. He stretched and rolled over onto his stomach grabbing his binoculars looking over to the outpost. He shook his head and looked back through them seeing that there was Locus and Blisterback surrounding the base now. He began scooting back to hide himself more as he reached out his hand to wake up anyone. As he did he bumped Joseph, waking him up with a groggy moan. "Don't, ever do that again." Alex said taking his eyes from the binoculars to look at him. "Hey man...if you don't want me too don't ruin my sleep." Alex sighed before he pointed to the outpost. "There is a whole bunch of vehicles there now, I think this place might be a line of defense." Joseph leaned over to look as he rose a brow. "Well that post will be the first objective. Once Aloe comes back we can shut it down. For now though, we keep tabs on their routine so we can have an advantage." He added as Alex nodded. "Im sure if nothing bad happened for a few days night time will be the best bet. They seem to weaken their defenses then. But I'll keep watch to make sure if that's the safest bet." Alex said as he rolled over to the little hidden camp they had. "Well we can't strategize on an empty stomach. Wake up the others while I see what food we brought." Joseph said as he waved his hand to motion Alex to go wake the others. Alex shuffled to the others and shook them to wake them up, Nova yawned softly and Shepard stretched.
    The Spartans were sitting around eating as Alex was explaining what the post was doing. Shepard began giving his insight on the situation as Nova sorta stayed to herself listening in on the conversation. Soon Shepard had stopped talking before he told the others to get down quickly, the others dropped hard and pressed themselves against the rocks hard. A large phantom passed right over them with a Scarab walking right over them heading towards the post. As soon as the dust settled they all took a sigh of relief. "Too close." Shepard said as the others picked their food up again to continue eating. Alex peeked up over the rock to watch as the Scarab settle down next to the outpost. "Alright, so this mission got slightly harder." Joseph groaned and finished his food. "Lemme guess, the Scarab is gonna live there now?" "Looks like it, maybe we'll get lucky and it'll leave when Aloe shows up." Alex stated before Shepard chuckled. "Yeah, like that's gonna happen." Nova shrugged and looked over at them. "Gotta have faith, I mean, that's what we have to depend on now right?" The others looked at her and nodded. "Right." Joseph said before he rested again. "Faith and hope, that's all we got that will never run out." Joseph added before Shepard chimed in with a sorta joking sorta formal tone. "And rebellions are built on hope." The others chuckled as they rested.

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