Chapter 13

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   The sound of crunching snow filled the air as the fire team walked down the street. "Couldn't you have chosen a place that was a little warmer?" Alex complained huddled into his jacket. "Or at least a place that one of us didn't live on. Like you know, going home isn't exactly a vacation for me." Shepard said putting his hands in his sleeveless hoodie. "Honestly I don't mind the cold, I mean, I did live in Africa for a good chunk of my life. It's nice to feel this cooler weather." Joseph stated shrugging. Aloe sighed and looked back to her team. "I don't wanna hear you all complain okay? You have no idea the deals I had to make in order to get us here at the very least." The others looked down before Alex walked up. "Thanks, you aren't that bad of a leader." Aloe rose her brow before patting his shoulder. "Look at that kid, you actually almost made me feel bad for shitting on you all the time. Almost" Alex groaned as Shepard and Joseph laughed behind them.

    Soon they had reached a bar, the Spartans walked in and took a seat at a table. As they ordered drinks another table was looking over at them. Aloe looked over at them as the others were talking. The other table of men smiled a little at her as if they were checking her out before she rolled her eyes leaning in the other direction so she would be covered by Shepards frame. "What's up Aloe, you only look that annoyed when Joseph speaks." Alex said chuckling as he looks over at her. "That table over there is giving me some odd looks. I don't think that's good sign." Shepard snickers and leans a little forward. "Oh, that's right, you're a girl. You better expect for guys to be looking at you like that a lot out of armor." Aloe made a face before the waiter came over with their drinks. "I don't think I like that. So, I may only ever take off the armor when we are on base." The others laughed before drinking.

When the group had finished their drinks they stood up getting ready to leave, when the other table of men got up as well walking over to them. "Well hello there pretty lady, don't see gals like you around here all too much." Aloe's head recoiled back a bit as the others watched as if interested on how this would play out. "Excuse me? I don't know what game you are trying to play, but I don't want to be apart of it." Aloe held up her hand and pushed the man away by his chest. The man grunted before he stepped in her way again before pulling out a switch blade looking up at her. "Now, no one ever turns me down. And I'm not gonna be shown up by some random whore that comes out of no where." The rest of fire team KZ00's eyes widened at the mans comment. Before Aloe could even respond the man plunged the knife into Aloe's abdomen with a swift movement. Aloe slowly looked down at the blade that had just entered her stomach before looking back to the man. "You, You ruined a perfectly good sweater." Aloe growled before grabbing the mans hand and breaking it, pulling out the blade before kneeling down stabbing him in the leg. "I suggest you learn some manners before you do this sort of thing again. And don't pull that blade out, you'll bleed out rather fast." She stood back up before walking past her team. "Hurry up, I want to continue exploring this place." The Spartans said nothing as they followed her slowly watching in awe at what had just happened.


As the fire team continued walking they had sat at a bench to take a break and enjoy the view. Aloe was sitting by herself fixing her wound as Joseph and Shepard talked to each other. "So, what do you think of Aloe?" Shepard leaned over and whispered to Joseph. "What do mean by that?" Joseph asked as he looked over at Aloe. "Like, do you think she's gay or what?"  Shepard looked over at Aloe as well as she pouted looking at the hole in her sweater. "I dunno, why do you expect me to have the answers?" Joseph shrugged answering in a rather annoyed tone. "Well you've known her longer, I would guess you would've figured it out."  "Yeah, for like an hour or two longer than you, don't expect much fucker." Joseph leaned back into the bench crossing his arms. Shepard took one more look at Aloe before leaning back over to Joseph. "Well I mean, she is wearing 'the' beanie. She's like gotta be gay right?" Shepard said as Joseph slowly leaned over to look at her again before nodding slowly. "Why don't one of you ask then?" Alex said drinking hot chocolate from his thermos not even looking at them. "Well if it's so easy why don't you do it shit lips." Joseph looked over to Alex before Alex chocked a little on his drink. "Hey, hey, hey, I'm not the one that wants to know." Before the argument could continue Aloe had gotten up and walked over. "Common team, let's keep moving." They jumped a little at her voice before standing up. "Alright, coming, coming." Joseph said before they began following her again.


Soon the team had reached a barren part of the land, nothing but rocks for miles. As they continued walking Shepard had spotted something before changing his direction to head towards it. "Hey guys, I think something is over here." He motioned for the others to follow. As they headed over to the large formation of rocks a ship came into view. "Never saw this thing when I lived here." Shepard tilted his head looking it over. As he did Joseph walked over to the ship looking rather excited as he looked over the wreckage. "It's a Paris class ship! So old too! How has no one ever seen this thing?" As he looked over it some more he stopped and put his hands on his hips. "Look at that, I believe the name is. 'The Mother of Invention' ?" The others walked up to him and crossed their arms. "Odd name for a ship don't you think?" Shepard said looking at Joseph. "Wasn't my call on that name, don't fucking blame me for their lame naming system." Aloe walked between them and nodded. "Take note of this place boys, when we get suited up again we will come back here. First mission after we get off of vacation you hear?" The Spartans nodded as Alex was uploading the coordinates to his A.I. "Mother of Invention huh? Why does that name sound so familiar?" Aloe looked to the side before turning around heading back to the city.


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