Chapter 19

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   Nova stood in the middle of the training room, she wore Icarus armor and an Intruder helmet. Her colors was a sleek black and magenta. "I told you she'd join my side, black ops. Special operations." Shepard said elbowing Joseph. "Doesnt that make Aloe and I the special ops? Since we're the only ones with a base color of white?" Joseph continues watching. "Aint nothing special about you." Shepard said as Joseph smacked him.
   Down below a table rose from the ground, a single pistol and a few magazines lay in front of Nova. She loaded the gun and looked around. "Alright, so what is it you want me to do?" She looked around waiting for an answer. "Target practice, shoot down all the targets as fast as you can." Aloes voice came over the intercom. Nova nodded as she held up her gun, the targets sprang to life as Nova began shooting. In no time at all she had dropped every target that sprang up. "There easy." She said laying the pistol back down. "Next is agility. Turn all the targets red as fast as you can." The table lowered and all around Nova green targets began blinking to life. "Yes ma'am." She held up her fists before she started the trial. As she finished the targets blinked disappearing. "Not bad for your first time. So far You're doing slightly better than Alex." Nova snickered and put a hand on her hip. "I said slightly. And Alex is a sniper, nothing to be proud of." Nove rolled her head back groaning before she raised up her arms. "What is this for again? To like, diminish me? Like I'm sure I could take anyone of you on and win. These trials are dumb!" As Nova said that she could hear the intercom shut off. Soon the door to the training room opened, Aloe stepped forward holding her helmet. "Big talk coming out of a small person. If you can truly live up to that. Then lets see how long you last against me." As she said that the intercom came back on, Joseph, Shepard, and Alex were audibly fighting for the Mic. "You're fucked now! And I'm the melee specialist!" Joseph said almost laughing. "Kid I wouldn't do that if I were you." Shepard said knocking Joseph to the side. "Hey, do me a favor and try not to die." Alex said as Aloe put on her helmet. "Alright, I'll show you." Nova cracked her knuckles holding up her fists ready to go.


   Nova was groaning as she laid on a bed. "Well take it this way, you beat Shepard on lasting the second longest against her." Joseph chuckled as Shepard shrugged. "You know I wasnt-" "shut it, you shut the fuck up." Joseph said ready to throw a cup at Shepard. "So, who's the first?" Nova slowly sat up. "Me, I can last against her. I just cant land a hit." Joseph said leaning over on his knees. "Its like punching a tank, you ever do that? Yeah it works but its a pain in the ass. And youre always dead before you do any lasting damage." Nove giggled a bit before rubbing her head. "Yeah I get you, feels like I was hit by a truck." Joseph laughed and nodded. "Yeah she mustve been real annoyed by you." Nova smiles softly shrugging. "I dunno, it feels like she could use some humor in her life. That's all." Joseph shook his head. "Nah, its best to just stay on her good side." Nova nodded and leans back. "I know that now. Thanks." She said sarcastically. Alex came walking into the room and handed a cup to Nova before he sat down. "You know I gotta ask you Ash. What do you like?" Shepard said off to the diatance looking up at the ceiling. "What do you mean?" Nova asked drinking from her cup. "Y'know, girls or guys. What do you like?" Shepard asked again now his eyes looking at her. Nova blanked for a moment holding her cup closer. "I, um. Dunno." The three Spartans groaned before Nova looked around confused. "What? Why me? You have a girl that's like twice my size!" Nova put her cup down looking aroind at them. "Yeah, if you even wanna classify that thing as a girl. Shes pratically a ballistic warhead with a pair of tits." Joseph said rolling around in his chair. "Yeah, ever try using charisma against a missile, never fun." Shepard said crossing his arms. Nova shook her head and sighed. "Kinda get why Aloe is always so annoyed." The other three stopped moving before Shepard stood up. "You know, its been bugging me and I gotta bring it up now." The others looked up at him. "What were those things. The day we lost the doctor. That wasnt like any covenant I had ever seen before." Shepard said starting to walk around. "Good question. Maybe that's what we should go look into first when we can get airborne again." Nova looked around a bit confused. "What, are you guys talking about?"

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