Chapter 21

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    Months had passed now, the five Spartans had finally cleaned up their new vessel. A new name was now painted on its side, that name was 'The Melting Pot'. The ship was still rather run down but its engines and rockets were now functioning. The five Spartans stood at a distance marvelling in their work. "Have to say, with a little TLC this beaut cleaned up rather good." Aloe said crossing her arms. "Still looks like shit honestly." Shepard said tilting his head to a side. "Hey, I'm just glad we have a ship. I'm never stationed on one for too long." Nova said shrugging. Alex nodded in agreement. "Yeah, its a ship. Not many people can get their hands on one of these so easily." Joseph walked past all of them putting his hands on his hips. "It means nothing if it can't get off the ground. Shes missing a few parts still but I hope she has enough in her to get airborne." Aloe walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Then lets give her a whirl shall we?" Joseph seemed to brighten up a bit. "Hell yeah we shall." Joseph began running off before Aloe shook her head motioning the others to follow. "Common kids, lets make it back before he takes off without us."


    Joseph sat at the main console as Aloe stood behind him. "Okay, shes warming up. Since this girl is a bit big, can you get the others, taking off and landing will require a team." Aloe nodded and called over comms. "Spartans, all hands on deck." After a few minutes all the Spartans had gathered. Joseph began pointing the others around as the ship slowly whirred to life. Its boosters and jets blew snow everywhere around it as the ship began rising. At first the ship would stutter but when it climbed high enough it started rising with no problem. "Almost like an angel." Joseph said smiling as he began steering the ship. "Last time I checked angels dont struggle to fly." Shepard rolled his eyes as Nova giggled off to the side. The other Spartans smiled as Aloe walked past Joseph looking out the windows. "Hey, I believe this is the begining of some big stuff." Joseph chuckled and placed his helmet of the console. "You know boss, after this I feel like I can do anything. Not even Shepards stupid ass can ruin it." Shepard walked up to him and leaned forward. "Bet" "Try me you fuck, I fucking dare ya." Aloe turned around and pushed the two apart. "Calm down, we just got this ship flying, I dont want Shepards grenades to cause it to drop." Nova and Alex were laughing all the while. "Well, on the other hand. Now that this thing is flying. We should go and find the rest of her parts." Aloe stated as Shepard walked back to the door to leave. "I think we should get a crew before anything. That seems the best option" Nova said as Joseph looked over. "You know, she's not wrong." Aloe nodded softly. "But, where would we find a crew exactly?" Nova shrugged and Alex tapped his chin. "I hate to say it but...there is one place where we can find materials, and if we're lucky, people." Aloe took a step forward realising where he meant. "Kid, we dont have to go back there if it still makes you feel bad." Alex shook his head sighing. "No, we gotta. If it means we have a better chance at living." Aloe nodded and nudged Joseph. "Anyway, its like you said Colonel, we're family now. And I trust you guys to take care of me now. Well, mostly." Alex said as he crossed his arms and Joseph snickered. "Love you too shit lips." Joseph responded as Nova giggled. "You guys never get old. Well, imma go to my quarters. Come get me when we arrive." Nova said turning to head out the door. "Yeah me too, I trust you and Joseph will get us there in one piece. Or ar least you'll make him Aloe." Aloe nodded and turned to face out of the windows. "You have my word kid, now get some rest. We got a long journey ahead of us."

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