Chapter 17

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   "Y-YOU BASTARDS!!!" Aloe came storming into the main deck charging towards Laskey with her Promethean blade at the ready. The other Spartans were right behind her as they all jumped on her holding her back. "YOU SAID YOU WOULD TAKE US! I THOUGHT THAT MEANT ONLY US!" Aloe fought against her teams weight as they pulled at her trying to keep her away from any person. "YOU TOOK HER FROM US, ITS BECAUSE OF YOU SHE'S DEAD!" Aloe continued, yelling before the team caused her to fall on her knees. When the others had finally got her pinned down Laskey sighed and walked over still keeping his distance. "I'm sorry Spartans, I know this must be rough. But Dr. Larson was insorbordinate. So she was labeled as a new target to be removed." The other Spartans looked up at him. "Because she worked with us, and doing her job, you killed her?" Alex said slowly standing up, clutching his fist. "She wasnt supposed to do her job. She was supposed to let you all die. But she refused to follow her orders." Laskey turned to walk away from them. "And now that you were open about the reason why you all are a team, I'm sorry to say that we must kick you off the Infinity" Joseph and Shepard stood up stepping forward. "I'd like to see you try." Shepard said as they stood by Alex's side. Before they could do anything however Aloe stood up. "Stand down Spartans. Just follow his orders..." The others turned to face her. "You're just gonna stand there Aloe!? A few seconds ago you were out for blood." Alex said before Aloe stomped her foot on the ground. "That was an order Spartan." The three seemed to recoil a bit before they started walking out of the room. "Know this Laskey, we will not forget this." Aloe said before she walked out.


   In the Pelican the Spartans sat silently as Joseph was heading for a planet. "Alex, Aloe, I'm sorry. If we could've done something, know I would have." Shepard said placing his helmet in the seat next to him. "But we cant let this stop us." Aloe gripped the seat, but before she could speak Alex moved forward. "I don't think you see the picture Shepard, we are targeted to die, we don't get supplies, and we lost a team mate. Why should we keep trying? Everything is stacked against us." Aloe simply watched Alex as he took off his helmet tossing it to the side. "We aren't anything special, just a group of failures. A group of failures that should no longer be alive." Alex said as tears rolled down his cheeks. Before anymore words could come out of his mouth Aloes hand placed on his shoulder. He looked up at her as she tossed her helmet on her seat. She pulled him into a hug as he finally began crying. Shepard looked down and sighed. "Sorry I spoke." "No, youre right Shepard. Everything may be stacked against us but that doesn't mean we need to stop. After all that's what they want us to do." Aloe spoke softly as Alex slowly backed up looking up at her. "Like Joseph said." Aloe looked over to the pilot seat as Joseph leaned a little to the side so he could be heard. "Lets keep going to fucking spite them. Lets make them wish they never made us fucking Spartans." Aloe smiled softly as Shepard chuckled. "Exactly. We arent a fire team Spartans, we are a family now. And we have to look out for each other. Cause we are the only people we can rely on." Aloe said before looking down at Alex. "Youre one of us kid, a number wont change that." Alex nodded before wiping his eyes. "I swear, I dont get you guys. Mean to me one second and nice the next." Aloe chuckled before handing him his helmet. "Like I said. We're family."

Immortal Warheads [Discontinued]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें