Chapter 34

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    As Aloe climbed out of her drop pod, plasma went flying past her face. She dove out onto the ground as Shepard waved her down, hiding behind a rock in the distance. Aloe ran over and slid to be by his side peeking over the edge of the rock to fire back at the incoming Banished. "What did you do Shepard!? I said kill the scouts not alert the entire damn army of our position!" Shepard threw a grenade and ducked again. "These are the scouts! turns out I destroyed a main HQ, turns out when you do that you kinda alert the entire damn enemy!" Aloe stood up and grabbed Shepard lifting him up and ran back to her drop pod. They took cover in the crater the pod had made as Aloe radioed in. "I am going to need everyone down here, right now!" Shepard peeked over the ledge to notice that the Banished troops had stopped advancing. He looked around slowly before the ground began to tremble in a thumping manner. "Aloe, remember that problem I told you about?" Aloe looked up at him and then over the edge, watching a Scarab marching up off in the horizon. "Fantastic, just when I thought we weakened them, they just have to bring this." She lowered back down and looked around. "We cant use any ordinance, we are still recovering from that last battle." Shepard pulled a grenade off his belt before Aloe grabbed his arm. "Actually, I have a perfect place for those to go. We just got to get real close." Shepard tossed the grenade up and down in his hand. "I think I'm picking up what you're putting down." 

    As the Scarab was growing closer to the destroyed base Aloe and Shepard were now on their feet crouched down ready to run. They both looked at each other and nodded before they bolted toward the beast. The Scarabs head moved and aimed at them firing its canon. The two split off as the laser blasted close to Aloe sending her flying to the side. She rolled for a bit before she slid to a stop jumping back to her feet running again. "It's gonna take a lot more than that to kill me!" The Scarab stared at her before it turned its head to aim at Shepard. When it did he was already gone, climbing up the leg of it as Aloe charged into the other causing it wobble. As the rest of the Banished watched the Scarab wobble they began firing at Aloe again. She stepped back and watched Shepard enter the Scarab. "Alright hes in...just gotta buy him time." Aloe cracked her knuckles and began charging at the Banished soldiers. 

   Shepard hopped up into the main power room. He holstered his gun and unhinged a plasma grenade walking up to the glowing core. "Now to light this place up like a solar flare." He stuck the grenade to the glass, but before he could activate it Aloes screams came from the comms. "Common! I'll take you all on!" Shepard pressed the button on the grenade before running to stare out at the battle raging on below him. He stood in awe as Aloe was holding her own against brutes, taking punches and hits without being knocked down. However, the Spartan began to waver, he stance wobbling and her attacks losing power. Shepard shook his head before he jumped off the Scarab. Shepard rolled and looked up, but by the time he had landed the Brutes had overwhelmed Aloe. They were pummeling her against the ground every time she tried lifting herself up. "Aloe!" Shepard took a grenade and threw it at the group of brutes, but one of them simply hit the grenade back at Shepard like a baseball causing it to explode right in front of him. Shepard flew back and shook his head, sharp ringing in his ears as the brutes were dragging Aloe away. Shepard could only barely lift his hand before the Scarab blew up knocking him back out. 


   "Shepard....Shepard....Shepard!!" Shepard shook his head and slowly sat up, when he opened his eyes there was nothing but purple flames and metal all around him. Joseph was shaking his shoulder. "Common man, don't die on me yet." Shepard placed his hand on Joseph's wrist. "I'm good, I'm good. Like Aloe said, we're harder to kill than cockroaches." Joseph chuckled and helped Shepard up. "At least shes right about one thing. So, where is she?" Shepard looked around and he looked at Joseph. Shepards posture slumping a bit. "Aloe...Aloe she's" Shepard's head slowly turned to face the other direction. "THEY TOOK THE COLONEL!" Shepard yelled as he started running. Joseph looked dumbfounded as he watched Shepard run,  it didn't take long for the other Spartans to get involved however. Alex and Nova tackled Shepard keeping him down. "Get off me god dammit! They have her, they took her!" Shepard panicked as he struggled against the Spartan 4's. Nova looked up in the direction Shepard was running towards. "Then...we'll take her back..." 

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