Chapter 31

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    Aloe sat in her room staring up at the ceiling humming softly to herself. The tune she hummed was melodic but sounded more like a code to activate something or to send a signal; her watcher Ozzie, was glowing and pulsing with the tune she she hummed. As Aloe was just about to close her eyes Noel came through her door, "Colonel, we just received a distress beacon from your team!" Aloe shot up being a little startled before she rubbed her face in her hands. "Alright, alright, didn't think it would take them that long to call for me." She stood up as Ozzie floated to her side. Aloe headed to her armor to begin suiting up, but before she could get started Noel walked up to her holding a helmet. "Aloe, its not gonna be way going in guns blazing. Your team has been sending us information and honestly, the odds of even getting close to them is near to zero." Aloe rose an eyebrow before turning to face Noel. "So what do you suggest I do?" Noel held up the ODST helmet she had in her hands. "The others and I have been working on something that could help you." Noel smiled and motioned for Aloe to follow her.
    Aloe stood in the sleek black and yellow armor, fixing the helmet to her head, the Vigilant armor booting on as soon as the helmet was fixed on right. "This armor will make you invisible to everything, the brutes typically dont even have HUDs to begin with so spotting you will be impossible, so feel free to run jump and all the like. Only down side however, is that you are no longer bullet proof. You will take damage if you are shot at so play it safe okay?" Aloe nodded and pat Noel's head. "Don't you worry about me, I'll be safe." Soon her armor began cloaking itself before Aloe headed out.


    Nova, Shepard, Joseph, and Alex all sat bound to separate seats lined up in front of a brute wearing mech armor. He laughed as he paced across the floor slowly in front of them. "Little demons, you thought you could hide from Decimus. Well how wrong you were." He turned around and continued walking slowly. "I'm sure my army will have fun playing with their new toys. But for now getting information from you is most important." The Spartans stayed silent as the brute walked back and forth in front of him. "Silence. You four must have strong wills." Decimus walked up to them and leaned forward. "It will be fun to personally break it." He stood back up and began walking to the door, as he did two elite guards came in to take his place. As soon as the door closed Shepard chuckled as he looked over to the side,  a table with a few guns ammo and grenades moved to a side as if someone had just sat on it. "You're laughing at a time like this? We are for sure dead. There is no guarantee that are beacon made it back to the ship so Aloe probably doesn't even know we are in danger." Alex said struggling against his bindings. Nova kept her head low sighing. "I should've just stayed on base, so maybe I wouldn't be strapped to a chair getting ready to die." Joseph stayed silent as he kept his eye on the elites. Before the Spartans could continue on their binding fell to the ground, them turning into orange flakes. The Spartans looked around as if confused except for Shepard. "Took you long enough, I though you were just gonna sit there and watch us get tortured." The elites turned around but before the could do anything yellow lights came on in front of them as an orange sword cut through them. "I was tempted, maybe it would've built character." Aloe stood before them retracting her sword. "ALOE!" Alex and Nova ran up to her and hugged her. "Touching, touching." Aloe lifted her arms taking a step back as the two spartan fours clung onto her. Joseph and Shepard laughed as the went over to grab their guns. "You had me worried that I was gonna have to do something myself Aloe." Joseph said loading his carbine. "Knowing you, it would have been suicide." Shepard said as Joseph shrugged. "We'll never now now."
    As soon as the Spartans had finished loading up Aloe pointed to a door that was in the back of the building. "Head out there, I understand you all want some revenge on these creeps but we are in no condition to do that. Im just gonna go set off some bombs to cripple this camp." The others nodded and headed off except for Shepard. "Let me guess, you want to help." Shepard put a hand on Aloe's shoulder. "It would be a crime if I didn't." Aloe shook her head and handed him a remote. "Fine, go ahead, I'll escort the others out. But just set the bombs and leave. I don't want to make a second trip back here." Shepard chuckled and nodded. "Okay, okay, I'll be fast about it." Shepard took off as Aloe followed the others.
    As the other Spartans made it onto the Pelican Aloe turned back and stared off at the camp as Joseph warmed up the ship. Soon enough a bunch of explosions went off at the base, Shepard climbing up the cliff as he threw the remote over to Aloe. "Easy enough. No problems that I couldn't handle." Aloe walked up to him and then looked over the cliff. "Define, handle." Shepard soon began to jog over to the Pelican. "I mean, I tipped off the entire camp and they probably followed me up here." Aloe turned to him "You what!?" Before she could continue yelling a plasma shot hit her in the shoulder burning her armor. "Fucking!" She turned to face the cliff as she grabbed her suppressor shooting it at a few elites. Aloe backed up onto the Pelican as the door shut and it took off with Elites and grunts shooting at it. Aloe threw her gun at her Shepard before he narrowly dodged it. Aloe held her shoulder rubbing it and moving it around. "You just gotta make your presence known huh?" Shepard laughed and nodded. "Oh, stings doesn't it? Feels bad when you aren't a walking tank." Aloe grunted and stepped forward before Shepard pushed against her burn. Aloe winced and stepped back. "Aw, gonna cry? Look, we are fine, stop being all angry okay?" Aloe grunted and sat down. "Asshole." Shepard chuckled and sat next to her. "You know you love me." Aloe groaned and moved her shoulder a bit.

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