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Koko softly knocked on Lloyd's door. "Hey honey, can you let me in?" The door slowly opened, and Lloyd stared down into his mom's eyes. Koko hugged him tightly as her son quickly wiped away his tears. Wu slowly walked in and leaned on the door. He frowned as he looked into his nephew's eyes. The were full of sadness and pain. Koko left the room to pick up her phone that had started to ring, so Wu sat by Lloyd on his bed. Lloyd curled his legs up to his chest, wrapped his arms around them, and layed his head on his knees. Wu placed a hand on Lloyd's shoulder, trying to comfort him. "It's okay Lloyd. It will get better." Lloyd shook his head. It wouldn't, it would never be better! He was the son of Garmadon! That's all he was, and all he would ever be! Wu wrapped his arms around Lloyd, which surprised him. Wu never hugged Lloyd. He respected Lloyd's personal space. Lloyd looked at his uncle, who just smiled. "You look like you could use a hug." Lloyd half smiled as his uncle hugged him. This was...nice.

Lloyd walked into the living room area, rubbing his eyes. He yawned as he looked around the room. The clock on the wall read noon. He had been cleaning for six hours. Lloyd reread a note written in his mom's neat handwriting, just for some entertainment.

Hey honey. Going on some errands. Be back soon, and DO NOT leave the apartment. I love you, bye.

That was the new rule. Lloyd was not allowed to leave the apartment. Koko didn't want him to get hurt. So he was banned from going out. Not like he cared. Where would he go anyway? Lloyd flipped on the TV and started skipping through channels. There wasn't much that interested him. He settled for an old western and layed on the couch. He sighed. He had never been so bored in his life. He had cleaned the entire apartment, top to bottom. He had done everything he could think of, but was still very bored. Lloyd grabbed a book and started reading while the western added some background noise. He finished quickly, frowning as he read the last page. He read the book again. He would occasionally look up and watch some of the movie, but would look back down at his book after awhile. He read for a couple of hours when...

Koko shut the apartment door and set her purse on the table. She pulled off her jacket and threw it on top of her purse. She looked to see an old western playing on TV. Sje was a little confused. She walked over to find Lloyd laying on the couch, a book laying on his chest while he slept. Koko smiled as she grabbed the book and set it in the table as well. She pulled a quilt over Lloyd and kissed his forehead gently. Lloyd smiled lightly. Koko did too. Koko yawned as she let her hair out of her bun, letting it flow down her back in orange curls. Koko turned the TV off then sat in the chair.

Koko woke to sniffling. She looked over at her son to find him crying in his sleep, fiery tears rolling down his cheeks. Koko frowned as she got up and layed a hand on his shoulder. He didn't react, but Koko could feel him shaking as he cried. Koko layed by Lloyd on the couch, covering them both with the quilt. She then hugged Lloyd as he cried, humming a lullaby. She stroked his hair as she hummed. She kissed his forehead when she finished.  Koko's eyelids soon became heavy and she slowly fell to sleep. Her arms wrapped around her son.

Lloyd couldn't explain what his dream was. It was like a collage of the past week, everything just replaying in his head. One memory stood out more, despite it being 14 years ago. His dad leaving. Lloyd felt like a dagger twisted in his heart everytime one of the memories played in his head. It hurt, it was painful. It was like torture, painful torture. Lloyd couldn't wake up. This dream didn't wake him, it held him in cleeps grasp, forcing him to watch the horrible collage of pain and sorrow.

Koko slowly woke and looked around. She had to get a bearing of her surroundings. She was in the living room. She was laying on the couch and... Koko looked to see her son curled up to her. His hair fell in front of his face, and he was snuggled close to Koko. This was, unusual. Lloyd was always very spacey. He wanted his own space, but here he was, curled up to his mom like when he was little. Koko smiled as she hugged Lloyd gently to avoid waking him. She moved his hair back, frowning when she saw tears running down his cheeks still. Koko sighed as she looked down at her son. He really did resemble his father. Lloyd stirred a little, cuddling closer to his mom. She smiled as she petted his hair, trying to comfort him so he'd stop crying. Koko layed her head back down. She was so happy she had no work today! Lloyd grabbed his mom's arm gently as he moved a little. Koko grabbed his hand and squeezed it. She smiled. It was nice to be close to Lloyd. He was always so independent, a loner. She then frowned. The fact that Lloyd actually needed his mom now was what upset her. The fact that he needed his mom to hold him tight. Koko sighed to herself. "Oh Garmadon, why did you have to go? I need you. I can't raise Lloyd, he's to much like you." Koko felt tears on her face. " He needs you Garm. He needs a dad more then anything." Koko had to wipe off some tears as she spoke. "I wish you were here!"

Who I'm meant to be(A Ninjago Fanfiction)[Series Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now