Mission: DESTROY!!!

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Lloyd's eyes gently opened as his alarm went off. "Jump up, kick back, whip around and spin! Then we jump back, do it again. Ninja-go! Ninja -go! Come on, come on and do the weekend whip!" Lloyd groaned. The eight year old yawned as he grabbed his clothes.

Math class. Very boring! Lloyd eyed the clock as the teacher talked. Then, he grabbed his book. Something wasn't right. He looked down at the book to see it was destroyed! The paper was shredded and the hard cover split. Lloyd gasped as he hid the pile of book in his backpack. How!! The teacher soon excused them and Lloyd ran to the bathroom. When he got there, he saw his back pack. The zippers were rusted, and the cloth has turned into string. He dropped the bag and placed his hands on the sink. He almost screamed as it cracked and broke into pieces. Lloyd looked at his hands as he backed away. What was going on?!

Lloyd ran to the office. As he ran, he almost smashed into Kai, who was also running, almost late for class. Lloyd quickly ducked around him and got to the office. When he grabbed the handle, it rusted and broke. He ran into the room, surprising the woman behind the desk. "What can I do for you Garmadon?" She referred to everyone by their last name. "Can I call my mom? I'm not feeling well." The lady called Koko, explaining the current situation. Lloyd held his hands close to him , not touching anything.

Koko walked Lloyd to the car. "What's wrong honey?" Koko knew that Lloyd never got sick. The venom in his veins killed any viruses. Lloyd decided to show his mom. He picked up a stick and Koko watched as the wood splintered and split. Koko pulled Lloyd into her arms as he bit his lip, drawing blood.

Wu handed Lloyd a pair of gloves. "Until you can control your powers, wear these. They are fused with vengestone, a material powers can't affect. Lloyd slowly slipped on the gloves as Wu sighed. "You must learn to control when your powers activate and you must learn how to stop them. Anything you touch while they are activated will be destroyed." Lloyd nodded as his mom hugged him, worried that her son was becoming like his father.

Who I'm meant to be(A Ninjago Fanfiction)[Series Discontinued]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora