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Dareth woke to a paper airplane to the head. He had fallen asleep in class, and a note was right there. He read it.
So, still hanging with Garmadon? He must have brain washed you, because no one is that stupid!
Dareth rolled his eyes as he crumbled up the paper.

Harumi stroller down the hall, a bounce in every step. Soon, a note hit her. She read it.
Can't believe the princess of Ninjago is hanging with the Prince of darkness! What kind of example are you setting? You're supposed to be good, not hanging with a child of evil!
Harumi sighed as she threw the note away.

Kai watched as Chen painted on Lloyd's locker. He sighed. He had secretly always wanted to be friends with Lloyd, but if he was, he would get bullied too. Maybe one day, someday. One day, he would be Lloyd's friend!

The new history teacher walked onto the principal office. She was an older woman with gray hair in a bun. She wore a purple dress and purple dress shoes. She had blue eyes, with a red tint. She had soft peach skin, and looked happy. "Ah, you must be Mystake! I'm principal Brown, nice to meet you!" " Hello sir! Can't wait to start! "As they walked down the hall, accompanied by the old teacher, they stopped. In front of them was a four armed shadow. The shadow, strangely, had red eyes! They all gasped, except Mystake, who was intrigued. Lord Garmadon? The shadow got closer and closer. It's red eyes glowed as it spread its arms, showing its claws. The shadow then stopped as the owner came around the corner. Mystake was shocked. It was a teenage boy. He was tall, thin, and wore a hood. His skin was pale, he had sharp teeth, claws, and bright green eyes. He wore mainly black, with some green. He kept his head down, hiding under the hood. Mystake knew it was Garmadon's son. He looked up and slid out his ear buds, examining the expression of each person. "Hello? What's wrong?" "Oh nothing. Mystake, why don't you meet one of our students! This is Lloyd Garmadon, Lloyd, this is Mystake. The new history teacher!" Lloyd looked at Mystake. " Hello. " "Hello Lloyd!" Lloyd faked a smile as he walked away, but when he was gone, he let it drop back into his usual sad expression. Mystake turned to the principal. "Why does he seem so sad?" " That's Lloyd's usual state, if he's not attacking a student! "Mystake just nodded.

Everyone walked into history, surprised to see a new teacher. Well, except Lloyd. "Hello students! I'm Mystake, your new teacher. Nice to meet you all! Now, who knows what an Oni is?" One student raised their hand. Lloyd. " Yes Lloyd! " "An oni is a creature from the first realm. They are considered demons, and possess the power of destruction. They're worst enemies the dragons." Mystake nodded, full of pleasure. "At least one of you punks cares about history! I bet most of you aren't even paying attention. I'm looking at you Chen!" Chen hid his phone, blushing as the students laughed. Mystake turned to Lloyd, who was very quiet, keeping a low profile. Soon, the bell rang. " Lloyd, can we talk? " "Ooh, Garmadorks in trouble!" Lloyd growled at Chen, eyes going red briefly. He walked over to Mystake as the students left. " Yes mam? "" You seem very smart. Who taught you that stuff? " "My uncle and mom." " Ah, your uncle is Wu, right? " "Uh, yaaaa?" Mystake noticed the demonic edge to Lloyd's voice. " Oh, I see! You are excused. " "Wait, I'm not in trouble?" " why would you be? " "Teachers usually like to get me in trouble for no reason." " Well, I won't get you in trouble unless you deserve it. " "Thank you mam." Lloyd was walking away, when Mystake spoke. " are you going through puberty? " Lloyd blushed. "What?" " your voice sounds off! "" This is my normal voice? " "Oh, well good bye Lloyd!" Lloyd waved and walked out the door. Mystake smiled.

Lloyd walked with Harumi through a meadow. The green grass curled around their ankles as they stepped across the soft dirt. The air was clear and fresh, smelling of flowers and life. Soft dew on the grass caused it to sparkle as flowers welcomed the light by opening their petals. He kissed her cheek as they stepped in perfect alignment. Then, the area turned into a barren landscape. Harumi fell over a cliff and clutched the edge. "Lloyd help!" Lloyd just laughed as he got closer. "Foolish girl! Did you really think that the son of Garmadon was good. Well, you were wrong!" Lloyd slowly removed her fingers and.......

Lloyd shot awake with a scream. He hid his face in his pillow as he tried to breath correctly. Wu walked in to Lloyd hugging his pillow, rocking himself. Wu sat by Lloyd. "Nephew, what's wrong? Did you have another nightmare?" Lloyd just nodded as he looked up at his uncle . Wu frowned. He shouldn't be having these dreams. He was good now, but he still seemed to fear being evil. Wu just wrapped an arm around Lloyd as the teen shook violently. Lloyd curled up by his uncle as he slowed his frantic breathing. Wu hugged him tighter. Lloyd stared at a wall, wondering when it would end.

Everyone walked to class. Lloyd talked with Dareth, but forgot about the low door and smacked his head. He rubbed the spot with his hands as Chen came by. "You're so tall, like your dad freak!" " What?! You'll have to talk louder. I can't hear you up here! " Chen frowned as they walked into class. Dareth broke into a fit of laughter. "I can't! I just can't! You just roasted him!" Lloyd and Dareth fist bumped as the teacher walked in. They were soon joined by Harumi, who nearly fainted from lack of air when Dareth told her about Chen getting roasted. The whole class laughed, including the teacher, when they heard. Chen glared.

Chen glared at Lloyd. "That was your fault!" " Don't blame me for your stupidity. Take that up with your mom and dad! "Chen frowned as Lloyd smirked and walked away. Chen ran after him, grabbing his arm. "Don't get smart with me, weirdo!" "Acting like a dick won't make yours any bigger!" "At least I'm not evil!" " I'm not as evil as what nature did to your face! "Everyone was surrounding the two now. Chen glared as Lloyd just grinned at him. Chen was getting roasted! "You're such a freak!" " The only thing freakier them me is your personality! "Chen glared, the tried to tackle Lloyd, who twisted around him smoothly. Chen tried again, though Lloyd slid under Chen. The cheer leader glared as Lloyd was joined by Harumi and Dareth. "You there will pay!" With that, Chen marched off, leaving the three alone. They walked together, friends forever!

Who I'm meant to be(A Ninjago Fanfiction)[Series Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now