Good bye

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Garmadon packed his bags as liquid fire filled his eyes. He never thought this would happen. He never wanted to leave, but if he didn't, Lloyd might be dragged into evil just like himself. Then, Garmadon felt pain shoot through his head. He knew what it was, and he didn't like it. "No, not now. Please noooo!" Then, it was done. Garmadon felt the evil in his heart. He frowned. " Now, I really do have to leave! "

Koko was very upset. Garmadon, her sweet husband, finally fell to the venoms grasp. She followed him out side, not knowing that their son had woken up and followed her. When they were out, Lloyd popped out of nowhere. The parents both jumped. Lloyd saw his dad holding some bags. "Where are you going?" Garmadon sighed as he kneeled in front of Lloyd. "Daddy has to leave, forever." Lloyd felt his heart shatter at those words. " Why, you can't go?! " " I'm sorry son, but this is what destiny chose for us. I have to leave. " "Please, you can't leave! Don't go!" " Goodbye, be good for mom, okay! " Garmadon kissed Lloyd's small forehead as tears filled his eyes, then left. I'm one moment, he was gone! Lloyd fell to his knees, tears running down his cheeks, and told himself that he would NEVER be happy ever again! Koko pulled Lloyd into her arms and hugged him tight. She allowed herself to cry as she carried her son back into the apartment complex. She knew that she had to make sure Lloyd didn't follow in his father's footsteps. It was her mission.

Who I'm meant to be(A Ninjago Fanfiction)[Series Discontinued]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum