Good or bad, hero or villain, light or dark

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Lloyd layed on his bed, staring at his phone. It had been a day since the carnival incident, and he hadn't heard from Harumi. Lloyd shot her a quick text.
Lloyd: hey princess, you okay
Ten minutes, no response. Lloyd slowly left his room and went into the living room. Koko glanced up from her book. "Any luck with her?" Lloyd sighed as he checked his phone. Nothing. "No." Lloyd was worried, frantic. He yelped in pain as his two extra arms grew from his sides. "You know,they wouldn't hurt as bad if you used them more!" Lloyd just looked at his mom, but allowed the arms to stay out as he sat crossed legged on the floor. Still no response. Lloyd frowned as he caught his reflection in the phone screen. " I guess I can see why. Who wants to be with a monster? "Koko set down her book, kneeled by her son, and hugged him. "Sweetie, you're not a monster. You're just different!" Lloyd bit his lip as fiery tears started to run down his cheeks . "I hate being unique! Just because I'm different, people think I'm evil! Why can't I be normal?!" The tears flowed more freely now, as Lloyd hid his face in his hands. Koko hugged him tighter. "Oh honey. I know it's hard being different, but your genetics are not exactly like everyone else's. It will get better, but for people to like you you have to like yourself!" Lloyd frowned. "Because my genetics come from dad. Why didn't I get something from you?" Koko sighed as she lifted Lloyd's head, so she could look him in the eyes. "Guess destiny has plans for you." Lloyd looked away from his mom as he wiped away his tears. "What if destiny wants me to be evil?! What if that's why I can't even control myself?!" Koko held Lloyd's hands. " Maybe it's safer for Harumi to stay away from me. I mean, I almost did what dad wanted me to do! I guess that's why she stayed away. "Koko squeezed Lloyd's hands as she smiled. "No honey. You're not dangerous. You're doing great at controlling the venom. You have your......moments, but you are doing great! I'm so proud of you. Harumi will love you no matter what, four arms and all!" Koko kissed Lloyd's forehead as he smiled. "What will she think when she knows what I am?" " There's one way to find out! "Lloyd hugged his mom tight. "Thanks for being there for me! I love you so much!" Koko felt tears in her eyes. "I love you too, Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon!" Lloyd grabbed his jacket as he ran out the door.

Harumi combed her hair as she stared at the mirror in her bathroom. She fought back tears, as she put the comb away. She stared at her phone and kept rereading Lloyd's message. She wanted to answer. She wanted to ask him what the hell was wrong with him, but was to scared. What happened, it wasn't Lloyd. It was, but it wasn't at the same time. It was a darker side of him, an inner evil that could destroy anything, or anyone. Harumi sighed as she laid on her bed, rubbing her eyes as she yawned. Then, something hit the window. Harumi walked over. A stick. She opened it and looked down. Someone was there, but they were hidden in darkness. "Who are you?" " Princessssss, can we talk? "Harumi smiled to herself. Only one boy called her princess like that. Playfully. Lloyd!! "How are you supposed to get in?" Lloyd smiled and jumped on a tree, swinging from branch to branch. Soon, he was at the same level as the window. Harumi gasped as she looked at the distance. He was going to jump! Lloyd ran and flipped through the window, landing on his feet. Harumi was in utter shock at what just happened, but turned away. "You aren't here to kidnap me are you?" Lloyd looked at his feet. " Harumi, I'm so sorry! " "You were going to bring me to your dad! Your eyes were red and you were acting like something else!" Lloyd ran a hand through his hair as he thought about what he would say next. " Harumi, you know the story I told you? "Harumi frowned. "You have a lot of stories." "The one about that snake, and my dad." " Ya! " "Do you remember what the snake did?" "It bit him?" " Exactly! " "What does this have to do with anything?!" "You remember what happened when that snake bit him, right?" " It injected its venom into him, and that venom later corrupted your dad! "Lloyd nodded, then frowned. "Well that venom, is in me too." Harumi gasped. " You can't be serious! That's impossible!" " It's why I, tried to take you to my dad. I can sorta control it, but not always. "Harumi frowned. "There's something else, isn't there?" Lloyd looked away. How could he show her? How would she react when she saw he was a monster? Lloyd sighed as he slowly removed his contacts. He looked at Harumi, who nearly screamed. "Your eyes!" " These are my real eyes, I wear contacts to make them normal. "Harumi gulped as Lloyd sighed. "That's not all." Lloyd lifted his arms and two arms grew out of him. Harumi had to breath deeply to stop from fainting. "I can tell you're scared. I can sense fear!" Harumi stepped closer and kissed Lloyd on the cheek. She had to stand on her tiptoes to do so. Harumi ran her hand down Lloyd's face, then neck, tracing his features. She traced the top of his chest, then stopped. "Do you have a black shirt under your jacket and green shirt?!" Lloyd slid off his shirt, causing Harumi to step back. His torso was covered in black scales! Harumi stepped forward and ran her downs down Lloyd's body. Lloyd frowned. "I also have a snake tongue and cry fire. If you haven't noticed, I literally have an evil tone to my voice!" Harumi was shocked by how much Lloyd resembled his father. Lloyd backed away. "I know, I'm a monster!" Harumi kissed him. "No matter what, I love you. I love you, Garmadon!" Lloyd laughed as he pulled Harumi closer. "I love you to princessss!" Harumi giggled as Lloyd kissed her all over her face. Harumi leaned against his chest as she smiled. "Lloyd, what's your favorite movie?" "The lion king two." "Mine too! My favorite character is Kiara . Who's yours?" " Kovu. "Harumi smiled to herself. "I'm the princess of good, and you're the prince of darkness. It's a broken love, a kind of love that gets lost in the waves, stuck forever." Lloyd kissed Harumi on the ear. "Love will find a way! Bye bye princessssss! "Lloyd jumped out the window, leaving Harumi. "Good bye, my prince!"

Wu sat by Koko on the living room. He looked at her. "Misako, I think he's ready!" Koko sighed. " what if he gets hurt, or killed? What if Garmadon tricks him into being evil?! "Wu frowned. "Lloyd is strong, and special. I think he is the chosen one!" Koko gasped. The chosen one was part of an ancient prophecy. It stated that one day, when darkness threatened the land, one hero would rise and defeat the dark lord. Once and for all! Koko frowned. "Why him? Why?" Wu held out his hand, revealing a silver ring. " This is his destiny! "Koko nodded as she smiled. Destiny was finally going her son's way!

Lloyd laid on his bed, smiling as he watched Netflix. He was watching The Lion King Two when his uncle and mom entered his room. He turned off his phone and looked at them. "What's going on?" Wu held out the ring. "This is a magi-ring! It grants a person the power to protect Ninjago and turns them into a superhero!" Lloyd was in awe. " Me, a super hero! But I can't even fight the evil in me! How can I be a hero?" "All you need to do, is believe!" Lloyd slowly slid on the ring , watching as it turned black with a green X. He took a deep breath. "X-wing!" Lloyd soon wore a green and black jumpsuit with a cape around his waist , wings, horns, fingerless gloves, and a mask. He slowly opened his eyes. Koko was thrilled as she hugged him, but Wu was curious. Lloyd's super suit looked like his dads, only green and black instead of purple and black. He shook his thoughts away as he smiled. Lloyd was overjoyed. Now, he could prove that he was good!

Who I'm meant to be(A Ninjago Fanfiction)[Series Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now