Stop hiding

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Lloyd was curled into a ball on the bathroom floor. Tears ran in mini streams down his cheeks. He held his legs and arms tight against his aching chest, trying to contain the pain of his broken heart. He stared at a picture that he clutched right in his hand. It was a picture of his dad, when he was Lloyd's age. His crimson irises stood out against his white eye whites. His pale skin looked white against his black and purple kimono. His pale face was framed by long platinum blond hair. Lloyd smiled weakly as his tears slowed. He then pulled out his locket. It was a golden heart, decorated by a green dragon. He opened it, showing a picture of two year old Lloyd and Garmadon. Lloyd pressed the locket against his chest as he wiped off his tears. He knew it was wrong, but he loved his father. He missed his dad. Lloyd slowly left the bathroom and went to his room. He laid on his bed. Out the window, he could see his dad's volcanic lair. "Night dad."

Lloyd slowly opened his eyes, groaning when sunlight blinded him momentarily. Lloyd stared at the ceiling, trying to remember what had happened in the past week. He had become part of a team, got five new friends, and had is already broken heart crushed yet again. Lloyd stood and slowly made his way into the living room, where Koko was reading the news paper. She looked up at Lloyd, frowning. "You okay baby? Your face is red." The area around Lloyd's eyes was red, since he had been crying in his sleep. It was the dream, the memory from fourteen years ago. Lloyd forced a smile, but it wasn't at all convincing. Koko motioned for Lloyd come over to her, so Lloyd did. Koko hugged him tight. "You can tell me anything, okay? You weren't yourself last night, what's wrong?" Lloyd didnt didn't speak. Last night. Last night hurt more then it should. Those two words hurt, like being stabbed over and over in the chest.

Lloyd started to cry. Koko hugged him tighter as the teen cried. "Oh baby. What's wrong?" Lloyd could barely speak, but tried. "It wa.....last night....when....when dad....." Lloyd couldn't finish. Even thinking about it felt like a dagger to the heart. Koko just hugged her son. It was all she could do at the moment. Lloyd hid his face in his hands. How could he be so weak? He was supposed to be the strong hero of Ninjago, yet he couldn't contain his own emotions! Koko frowned. "I'm sorry mom! I strong..even though i..." Koko slid Lloyd's hair behind his ears. "People cry, not because they're weak, but because they've been strong for to long! "Lloyd looked up at his mom, even though his vision was blurred by his tears. Koko smiled, kissing Lloyd's forehead. "It's okay baby. Don't be sorry. You shouldn't feel bad for showing your emotions!" Lloyd hugged his mom back, trying to stop crying. Koko smiled. Lloyd never showed or said what he felt, but Koko loved when he did. She loved seeing him, not the fake mask he put on. The image he was happy. That he was okay, even though he wasn't. Koko finally released Lloyd from her hug, but was surprised when he just hugged her tighter. Koko smiled, kissing Lloyd's forehead. Just like when he was little. Koko couldn't believe it. Two years, Lloyd would graduate from high school. Just two, then he would be an adult. Koko smiled. Grown up in the outside, but he would never grow up on the inside. He was still a little kid mentally. He was a little boy in a teenage body.

Lloyd stood at the school gate, waiting for his friends. Harumi was gone again, and Dareth was on a trip with his family. Lloyd smiled when the five came closer. Kai realized something as he looked into Lloyd's fake eyes. Lloyd hid himself under a hood, too scared to show the world who he really was. Kai brought up the subject. "Hey Lloyd, ever consider NOT wearing a hood and contacts?" Lloyd froze. He had never thought of that. He didn't want the world to know what he really was. "Not really?" Nya smiled. " Well, maybe you should! "Lloyd knew where this was going. "People already think I'm like my dad! I'm not sure they'll drop that when they are ME!" Lloyd froze. He had never told them about the venom. The thing that made him partially evil . It was time. "Guys, I need to tell you something." Kai smiled. "What is it?" " Well, the venom that corrupted my dad. Its....... I inherited the venom of the Great Devourer! "The group froze. Lloyd had literal evil in him. Kai stepped forward. "We don't care! We love you for who you are! We'd never leave you behind, no matter what!" " Really? " " I promise! "Lloyd smiled, then pulled down his hood and slid out his contacts. He looked into Kai's eyes, smiling. Kai smiled to. Lloyd was going to stop hiding. Lloyd tied his background his waist. He wore a green t-shirt, exposing his scaly elbows. "Let's do this!"

The six stepped into the school, and everyone immediately stared at the group of teens. Lloyd was immediately scared, but Kai wrapped an arm around him, not his shoulders since Lloyd was to tall, and smiled. "Don't think about them. If they got to know you, they would like you." Lloyd smiled. Then, Chen approached , followed by the cheer squad. "Hey, if it isn't Garmadork and the dork squad! Wanna hear our new cheer. L-l-o-y-d, his dad is bad and so is he! Boo Lloyd, boo Lloyd! Booo Lloyd!" Nya stepped forward. "You know, if you got to know him, you would see that he is a great person! Unlike you!" Chen smiled. " Can't believe you guys want to be his friends! He's the son of Garmadon! "Chen examined Lloyd. Under the hood, he really did look like the warlord! "Look at him! He's like a teen version of Garmadon himself!" Kai came forward. " Stop being mean to him! "Chen shoved Kai into a locker, only to be grabbed by Lloyd, who growled. "Leave us alone!" Chen smiled. "You decided to come out of hiding, huh. Big mistake, because everyone will know how much you are like your father!" " I didn't ask to be his son! I didn't choose who my dad was, or how much I got from him. No one gets to choose! "Chen just laughed. Kai stepped up. "Lloyd has a point. No one chooses who their parents are!" Lloyd set Chen down as the bell rang. Chen smiled. "Bad day to reveal yourself! You have only one class with your friends today!" Lloyd frowned . That was true. He only had the first class of the day with his friends. Worse day to come out ever! Kai playfully punched Lloyd's arm. "Don't sorry hot shot! I'll take care of you! "Lloyd laughed to himself. Kai was his best friend, but was more like the brother Lloyd never had. His new friends were like his family. The family he would do anything for. Even coming out and not hiding any more. Anything for them, anything at all!

Who I'm meant to be(A Ninjago Fanfiction)[Series Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now