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Lloyd groaned as his alarm beeped. He grabbed the plug and caused it to break. He rubbed his eyes, glad they had the week off. He had forgotten to turn off the alarm clock. "Time for a new alarm." Lloyd pulled on his clothes, but was a little surprised when his pants and shirt were too short. He sighed as he walked into the living room, where Koko was watching the news. "Mom, I think my clothes are having a problem?" Koko was a little surprised, but grabbed a measuring tape.

"Six foot eight, and a half!", Koko announced as she put away the measuring tape. "What! That means I grew two and a half inches overnight!!" Koko sighed. " You're growing like a weed! Oh, and we have to go to the doctor today. " "Mom!! Why?" " Because, and were also going to the eye doctor and the dentist. "Lloyd groaned. "But they always have to do all those tests and stuff!" It was true. Thanks to his uniqueness, he had to have extra tests and stuff. Koko hugged him. "It will be fine! Stop being so dramatic!"

Lloyd glared at his mom in the car. She knew he HATED the doctor, dentist and so on. Koko noticed him glaring. "Don't glare at me young man!" Lloyd frowned. "Why do we have to go?!" " To make sure you're healthy. " "But I am healthy!" Koko looked at her son. " You know they have to make sure you're okay, since you have so many, extra talents. "Lloyd groaned. Why? Why did he have to have so many extra "talents" !?

The dentist smiled. "Hello Koko and Lloyd! How have you two been?" Lloyd gave a thumbs up and a fake smile. The dentist walked over. "Hows it going with these?" The dentist pointed at Lloyd's fangs. Koko smiled. "That's why we came, right Lloyd?" Lloyd frowned. "I came cause you made me." The dentist giggled as he checked Lloyd's teeth. He pulled one fang out and watched as a new one grew in. "You're teeth grow back fine!" The dentist frowned. "You're teeth are getting really sharp! Maybe you should try this!" The dentist handed Lloyd a file. "You want me to file my teeth!!!!!!!!" The dentist smiled at Lloyd's reaction. "Yes!" Koko giggled as Lloyd frowned. "Don't worry, I'll make sure he does it!" The dentist shook Koko's hand. "See you soon Koko." " Goodbye doctor. It was nice seeing you right Lloyd! " "Ya. See ya later." The dentist looked at Koko, whispering . "Do you think he'll last against the venom much longer?" " I'm hoping he'll last until school ends. Then, he doesn't have to deal with those kids and stuff. " "Good luck Koko!" As they left, Lloyd pulled on his hood. He didn't notice Kai outside, but Kai saw him. "Wow he's gotten tall! I wish I could talk to him!" Kai sighed as he jogged back to his sister, wiping any trace of his hopeless dream.

The eye doctor smiled as he saw his next patient. "Well, if it isn't my favorite patients!" Koko shook the doctors hand , then he turned to Lloyd. "So, let's check your eyesight." Lloyd had very keen eyesight. He was able to see thing that no person could. He also had night vision, and heat vision, like his dad. Don't ask! The doctor smiled. Now, how about your night vision? "The doctor turned off the light. "Now, I've hidden a book in here. Can you find it?" Lloyd sighed as he looked around. His eyes glowed as his night vision turned on. "On the desk. Third shelf to the right." The doctor smiled. "Now the heat vision test. Koko, could you go and hide in my office?" Koko nodded and left the room. After a few minutes, they went out. As Lloyd activated his heat vision, his eye whites turned red and his irises turned green. He immediately found her. "Found ya!" Koko smiled as the doctor clapped. "Very good!" He then stopped. "How are the contacts?" " Good, why?" "There's a risk that you're eyes could become immune to them, and they won't work!" Lloyd gulped as he thought about that. That would be a night mare! Everyone would see his eyes, the eyes that made people think he was evil. He had enough problems without that. The doctor whispered to Koko. "How's he doing, against the venom?" "I think it's getting worse! He has a lot more "freak out" moments then he used too. I'm just hoping he can last for the last two years. "The doctor nodded as Koko smiled. "Thank you! We'll see you later. Right Lloyd?" " Uuuuh, see ya! "The doctor smiled, but frowned when they left. "Poor kid. He really resembles his father."

Who I'm meant to be(A Ninjago Fanfiction)[Series Discontinued]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant