World War III

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Riley's POV

Everyone saw it. I don't know how any of us could have missed it. She did the one thing she promised she would never do. My parents stood there with their mouths open. Farkle who had just gotten there moments before looked frozen. He looked like someone had just given him a million dollars but then told him he couldn't have it for 2 years.

Lucas walked back inside probably not even noticing any of us sitting at the table. Maya stayed out there for a few minutes sitting in the rain. She walked back in a few minutes later.

"What are you doing?" my dad yelled out.

Maya jumped back, "You scared me."

"Yeah I bet you didn't think your family would be watching you kiss Lucas," my dad got up.

"You didn't have to watch," Maya said.

"You didn't have to kiss him," my dad yelled back.

My mom and I sat there not knowing where to look. Farkle looked surprise too but he watched them both yell. Maya was covered in water and looked like a mess. My dad just stood there angry.

"I like him," Maya finally said.

"How can you like one of then?" my dad yelled.

"He's not one of them."

"He's exactly like them."

"You don't even know him."

"Neither do you."

"You can't see him again."

"Try and stop me."

"I'll ground you forever."

"Corey," my mom stood up, "Don't you think your being a little harsh."

"Harsh if she couldn't have come up with a lie Lucas would have know we were wizards. He would have told his parents and we would be dead."

"He's not like that," Maya keep yelling.

"You don't know how wizard hunters are they don't care if your in love," my dad yelled.

"Why can't you see that you don't know everything," Maya yelled.

"I do know the world better than you," he yelled back.

Maya flashed off. She probably went to one of her secret hide always to draw or a place where she could sit in the rain. My dad stormed off to. He didn't flash of though.

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