Happy Ending ❤️

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As the pain from my shoulder began to slowly stop my eyes opened. The last thing I remember was counting down to open the gate to Taurus's axe, while Natsu yell frantically in the distance. Slamming the axe against the spear that done me in. Pushing Hisoka far back enough to open Galactica's ancient gate. The heat from the lacirma as the gate pulled power from my core to force the opening. Falling to my knees the smoke and dust kicked up from the wind blocked my view of the spear that pinned me to the ground. Screaming out as my tear pour from my eyes, the black sky.. no the shadow of Galactica over top of me as I lost consciousness.

I'm thinking back on this as a voice calls out to me.. Galactica herself. I turn around and I'm face to face with the most beautiful dragon I've ever seen.

"Ah, dear child. You served well."

"Who-whooa.. your gorgeous! So they are safe!?"

"Ha, thank you. Both are safely were there needed."

"Thank goodness. A-am.. I dead.."

"No child. Your in a state of sleep, to help regain your strength. Your memory should be as normal now.."

"It's ok, really. Your right it is! OH MY! I live with Natsu!!"

"I promised things would go back to normal. Soon this will just be a dream for all of you."

"Wait! So we won't remember Shiki or Rebecca!?"

"No. It will be as if you passed out, as if you over exerted yourself. You will still have access to the dragon powers, Due to the lacirma."

"Thank you!"

"Once you close your eyes here you will return"

"It was a pleasure serving you!"

I closed my eyes and when I reopen them, I see the moon shining brightly through the window. I'm in the infirmary of the guild. Something warm is holding my hand. Sitting up I see that it's the love of my life.. "N-Natsu." My voice cracks due to my throat being dry. But it's enough to startle him awake. His head shoots up and we're eye to eye.

"L-Luce!" He throws him arms around me hugging me tightly.

"I don't know why.. but it seems we haven't seen each other in a while." I finally recover my voice a little.

"Lucy you've been out for three months.." Natsu's sobbing. "You blacked out after a job. You had a fever, it's my fault I should've noticed you weren't feeling well!" He takes my face in his hands. "Forgive me.. twice you've left my side now.. please just stay with me. Even at the risk of my own, never leave my side."

"Of course, Natsu. Together forever, wasn't it?" I smile brightly. He smashes his lips to mine. Kissing with all of his passion. He breaks the kiss to say "That's my Luce." As he rests his forehead on mine.

I blush for a second as he kisses me again. His hands glide across my sides. "I- I don't know why but I feel like it's been years since I've been able to touch you."

"Me too." I reply as I push off his vest, he's taking off my top. Throwing them to the ground as the sheet I was covered with slips into the floor. He takes off his scarf sitting it in the chair he had been sitting in and locks the door. On his way back he ends up completely naked. With his help I am too, he's sitting on his knees as he pulls me into his lap. As he wraps his arms tightly around my waist "Ready?" He's huffing with excitement. I nod as he latches onto one of my nipples. With one hard thrust Natsu enters my most sensitive spot, Like he's reclaiming me.

Wrapped in his warmth we make love over and over again. Not caring of the time or where we're at. It was only us, in our own world. We called out each other's name, as if to insure it wasn't a dream.

As Luce and Natsu consummate their love, embarrassment runs rampant through the guild hall:

"Wh-what's that sound?" Gray asks.

"Huh? Hmm," Erza says while thinking, while eating her favorite strawberry cake.

"Oh my, that's coming form the.." Lisanna covers her mouth while standing near the hallway entrance, blushing wildly.

"The infirmary!!" Levy squeals. Her face in full blush.

"Oh, Lucy must be awake." Mira says with a bright smile.

"Oh my god! Are they!?!?" Gray yells as his jaw drops.

"Maybe Natsu's not as dense after all." Happy chuckles while lily nods.

"Freed!! We need a sound canceling barrier now!" Erza yells out after Juvia whispers what's going on in her ear.

"Yeah! Natsu's a real man!!" Elfman jumps up two fists in the air, cheering for his friend.

"Nows not the time for that!!" Evergreen yells after smacking Elfman across the head.

"Mommy what's that sound?" Asuka asks confused by all the excitement.

"Ah! Nothing!" Both Bisuka and Alzack yell and hold her ears.

"That's the sound of the new addition to the next generation being made." Master Makarov says with a proud smile, taking another drink.

"Oh for the, your drunk master." Mira giggles and fills up his cup.

"Yeah! Get it Lucy! Natsu, show her who's the King of the Dragon's!" Canna yells as she falls backwards off a table.

"Drinks on the guild?" Lisanna smiles, holding up her own cup.

"AYE!" Everyone cheers loudly.

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