Settling in

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"Ok!" I nodded. "Is this when I'll be given over to Yukino now?"

Yukino was a celestial mage as well was I. Through libra and pieces she visited me a few times. I was happy to be going back with her, She was the only one I knew for sure at this time...

She reintroduce me to Sting and Rogue along with their exceeds Lector and Frosch. Our carriage ride was long.. we sped past a beautiful rainbow cherry blossom tree.. for some reason my heart warmed up with a feeling of longing and of.. love?

I stood frozen outside the guild doors.. they seemed so familiar in a new way. Scents filled my nose at a whole new level.

"Deep breath lucy. I'm here for you." Yukino smiled brightly placing her hand on my shoulder. "Ready to make a come back blondie?" Sting's smile was cocky as he stood arms folded to his chest. With a deep breath I pushed open the heavy doors..

As the guild doors opened and I step in I hear a young man yell out..

"Ice make-" he appears to be readying an  attack.. All eyes are on me and everyone stops in their tracks dead silent.
"L-Lu chan!" A petite bluenette suddenly yells out running over arms opened wide.

"Blue hair.. L-Levy?!" I reply unsure of the name  that flashed in my brain as we embraced.

"That's right Lu! I'm Levy!" The girl I had come to remember as my best friend sobbed.

A tiny old man walks up. It takes a few minutes for me to recognize him. "M-master!"

"My dear child, I'm so happy to see you before us again!" He speaks as his beaming a smile of pride.

A blue cat with wings comes flying towards me landing on my chest into a hug. "Lushee!" He squeals with joy.

I can't help but think If he's here then the shadow figure, Natsu. should be here.. right? Virgo said their always together, right?

"Y-you are Happy. The blue exceed that I'm on a team with, correct?" I asked while holding him up to my face with a smile.

I was slightly overwhelmed with all the memories bombarding me with each face of my Nakama. All the warm hugs and well wishes brought tears to my eyes. I felt at home. A long white haired girl, I think she said it was Mira? Thinking to myself. then called out "Let's have a round!" As everyone cheered! The party took off with The immense speed.

I felt as if this was normal for me to walk towards the bar where I took a seat. Next to me.. a pinkish haired boy as I breathed in my eyes widened slightly.. sm-smoldering embers.. Natsu. Trying to keep it together to strike up a conversation with him. He's much more handsome then the shadow figure I'd get glimpses of..

I ran my hand across the top of the bar. I-Is this the one I use to sit at all the time? Why hadn't he said any thing.. was he waiting for me? Or had these dreams really just been dreams.. I sat there patiently wondering if he was going to say something, anything.. no? Then I will.

"S-so are you the one named Natsu?" I shyly spoke up. To that he simply nodded a yes, as he sat down his cup. He'd been looking at me through the corner of his eye this whole time.. I was looking slightly down as I heard his body shift, causing me to look up meet his gaze. I wasn't prepared for the intense look he would give off. This was the real deal, that shadowy figure never had this affect on me.. His green eyes locked on mine, immediately my breath caught in my throat. My body reacted but my mind was still hazy to it all.

Suddenly he called out to me "How much do you remember, Luce?" His soft soothing voice sent my heart in over drive my mind pounded to a time we called out one another's name. The memory was hazy. When I realized I'd been caught in a trance I felt my cheeks heat up. And reply "I always seem to e-enjoy when you called me that." I stuttered.

He then took my hand into his warm one pulling me into a tight hug as he whispered "I'm so glad your home. I've missed you like crazy." I could tell he was starting to choke up as I teared up hugging back. I couldn't help that my body stiffened in his arms. I wanted to embrace him back, his warmth seeped through me tugging at what I wasn't ready for. I know the dreams and memories are supposed to be real but.. I still, why does it seem fake?

We eventually started talking about battles. The places we'd seen and things we'd done. Funny moments and scary.. I had hinted about some of the things I'd dreamed, finding that he would react and add to it. He had answered a few questions and are feelings slowly surfaced as if there was nothing holding back. I remembered we had promised that once things calmed down for a change we would give living together a try. He was dense about it at first but after awhile that changed.

He offered me to stay with him, but the thought made me nervous.. Confirming those dreams were indeed real. I really needed some time alone. All this was more overwhelming then I'd thought. He had Levy take me to a room on Fairy Hill, boarding for guild members. She stayed and talked to me a while. I then found out that him and a girl Lisanna are possibly in a relationship. For some reason this made my body sink, I held back until she'd left. Once the door shut behind her.. I broke, maybe all these memories were truly in the far past. Had him and I messed up some where?

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