Now or nothing

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My eyes started fluttering open as I heard the screams of my friends. Smoke fogged my vision, barely able to get glimpses of Wendy and Charla fighting off some guy. "Re-Rebecca, Shi-Shiki?" My voice cracked as my body ached.

"Lucy! You shouldn't be moving!" Rebecca grabbed a hold of my arm as I sat up clutching to my head. It was then I was able to see the scene in full. Shiki floating above a battle of Natsu's fire, Gray's ice, and Erza's Swords. I climbed to my feet as Rebecca continued to beg me to sit back down.

"I- I need to help!" I stammered. I got in the best stance I could muster. Readied myself and took off running towards the guy who was trying to over power my two friends.  "Stellar Dragon's Brilliant Nova!" The ground in front of the guy exploded as he tumbled into the crater left behind.

"Lucy?" Wendy questioned with shock.

"We need to get Shiki. Rebecca get on my back, Wendy cover me." I exclaimed.

"B-but.." Rebecca started to shake.

"I'll be right here for you." I exclaimed. "You can do it, wait till we're under Shiki then fire!"

"Are you sure your feeling up for this, Lucy? If something else happens to you Nats.." I cut Wendy off before she could finish.

"I have to do this for them." Once Rebecca settles on my back I send Wendy a nod Taking off towards the fight.

As I near Natsu and the others I hear Rebecca ready her blaster. I know she can't hold it for long, all I have to do is get by.. him.

"Well look what we have here. The ancient one." His voice causes my eyes to widen. N-no.. H-How..

"Heh, heh. Well now I don't have to waste time to find you." The malice pouring from his voice.

Rebecca whispers "new plan." As she slides off my back. "I think we're close enough. She adds as a certain voice rings out. "Lucy!" It's Natsu bolting towards us. He skids to a halt next to Rebecca.

Not taking an eye off the dirt bag that stands in front of me I start the count down. "1"

"2" Rebecca reply's as Natsu yells what's going on.

"3" I say as my eyes start to glow yellow, "Spirits of the stars! Taurus's axe" with that Taurus's large black axe forms in my right hand, as I rush towards the enemy swinging down the axe Rebecca aims her blaster at Shiki's prison.

I vaguely here Natsu screaming for me in utter agony. I'm so sorry.. if I'd only been able to tell you first.. forgive me. I make contact with a spear of the Enemy pushing him back further away. At that moment Shiki starts falling from the sky as a voice calls to me from with in. Now

Taking a deep breath and chanting "Spirits of the stars! Release thy, Galactica." As I call out the ancient dragon with in I can see my body glowing. My chest is heating up as the pain sets in. Clutching at my sternum where the lacrima was placed I fall to my knees, surrounded by smoke I didn't see the spear heading my way. It hit its target ripping through my shoulder as it pins me to the ground. I'm screaming as loud as possible in hopes to ease the agony in f it all. Finally as a shadow or was it finally night fall hits the valley we'd been fighting in i black out..

Galactica manifests just in time catching Shiki in one claw. Hisoka laughs maniacally as he gazed upon the giant black dragon. Natsu and Rebecca being joined by the others now all stand dumbfounded. The creature grumbles lowly shaking the earth as she growls. The black beast opens her mouth as a galaxy looking smoke pours from her jaws. She spreads her wings and roars. "Perpetual Black Hole!" Towards Hisoka who no longer laughs but is frozen in place as a black void begins to engulf him until he vanished.

"That was inside Lucy's lacirma!" Gray and Happy exclaims with surprise

"She's beautiful!" Wendy coos.

"I expect none the less from an ancient." Erza exclaims with a knowledgeable calmness.

As the dust settles around them Natsu has clear view of how direr his loves situation truly is. Lucy's slumped over body pined to the ground by Hisoka's spear. Directly under the massive dragon's chest.

"NO! Lucy.. she isn't moving! He calls out. He ignites his flames again but is automatically stopped in his tracks as the black dragon calls out to him in his thoughts.

Rest, son of my Igneel. She will be fine. Now, send Rebecca to me. There isn't much time.

"What? No! Why do you need Rebecca!?" He yells out loud while balling up his fist tightly. Understanding what's going on, due to being prepared for this day by Anna. Rebecca places her tiny hands on one of Natsu's fist. "It's ok, Lucy can explain later." As she tilted her head in a smile, she runs to the dragon's side. "Time to go home" she whispered.

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