A memory with in a Dream

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It was a rainy day at the guild and I was board out my mind. I'd stuffed my face till gramps made Mira cut me off. There was only one thing left to do, "LET'S PLAY!" I yelled running up to Lucy. Normally this meant like playing cards or occasionally we'd wrestle, Lucy's got some strong ass legs! But as I'm thinking this my face palms her hand. I didn't notice she had stuck out her hand to stop me as she says "Natsu, Levy and I are in the middle of something." Not even looking up from the book they're sharing.

"Oh yeah! Well let me see!" I say with excitement, jerking the book away. I scan through it as Lucy's mumbling something about me not likening it. Blah, blah, and love, gross!.. oh, a dragon! Nice. Ew! More love. "Boring!" As I toss the book into Lucy's lap. Levy's giggling for some reason as Lucy.. "Eek! S-scary!" As I meander away towards Gray and Erza. Eh!!

The two of them look to be having a serious conversation. So I flop down to join, "Sup guys?" I grin. Only to find out that they're talking about Gray and him opening up to Juvia.

"Come on! It's a rainy day why is everyone reading or talking about love?" I exclaim louder then I thought, receiving a wack to the head from Erza. "Ouch! Sorry!" I apologize. Erza goes back to now talking about her and Jellal, when Gray asks me about Lucy.

"What about you flame brain? Aren't you and Lucy a thing?" He nudges my arm as Erza adds "that explains why she always ends up naked." Her face clouds over darkly then adds "next time you play around during a battle I'll have you both fixed!" She spouts.

"Yikes! Hey now, it ain't like that! Geez, Luce and I are just friends." I defend.

"But dude she's always talking about you in her bed! What's up with that?" Gray questions.

"Her beds soft! You've felt it, remember!" I wasn't about to admit that it also had to do with her scent and the soft touch of her skin.. not to mention I have this urge to stay by her side and protect her. As I thought this they both nodded in agreeance as Mira walked over to fill there cups up.

And of course Mira had something to add.. "you know Natsu if you keep that up Lucy's gonna start to get the wrong idea." She winked. Gray nodded with Erza as I was lost in the dark. "Watcha mean by that?! What wrong idea would she get?" They shook their heads at me and Gray called me a dumb ass.

"Shut up! Ice princess! Explain!" I huffed slamming my shoulder into Grays and he returns the banter.

"Well its only natural for a guy and a girl who are close to soon become inmate at some point." Mira had her finger on her lip looking up as if thinking of something.

"So? What's that?" Still confused I asked nonchalantly. Out of no where a drunk Cana comes over and leans in to whisper..

My eyes widened immediately "whaaaaaaaa!" My mind blanks that's all that I could manage to get out.
As the guild doors slam shut form someone leaving I'm knocked back to existence and yell. "Lucy's gonna expect me to do THAT!? Are you kidding! I didn't even do that with Lisanna! Uhh, oops.. sorry Mira.."  in my freaking out I'd forgot about Mira being her sister.

"All is fine Natsu, I know you were just to shy." She winked and walked off. I heaved a sigh as Gray joked "heh, so you an Lisanna huh. Does Elfman know what kind of Real Man you are." He snickered.

"Do it and I'll kill you!" I yell as I stand up but get block by Erza. "Alright you to, I think it's time for us all to go home. Hmm?" Erza's smiled as if the devil was watching us. I shivered replying with a "fine!"

Happy was playing cards with Charla and decided to stay. Noticing Lucy not here anymore I head to her apartment, with that in the back of my head.

Would Lucy really think that?
Was she really gonna expect us to..
And me.. to Uh.. her!
My brain fought back and forth with those thoughts.
I did love Lucy's scent.
Her soft skin.
I've seen her nude.. Fuck what a thousand times?
She is rather beautiful..
What The HELL Am I Thinking!

Come back to me (Nalu)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ