Wake up Natsu

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The sun burned my eyelids as it shown through the window.. another morning "sigh". I stretched my arms up as far as they'd go before rolling out of my hammock. Eh, that damn dream again.. these days my thoughts are full of dreams of time spent with her.. heart breaking flash backs of things I wouldn't change for the world and things I should've done differently. Because.. I lost her.

Happy was still pleasantly sleeping on the sofa. As I walked toward the kitchen it was hard as usual walking past all of our memories.. Lucy's maid outfit held none of her scent now. It's been close to a year since she had rewritten E.N.D for me.. but at a price..

flash back!—-

"Lucy!! Come on!" Gray yelled in the distance..

I was limping to join Gray, Lucy, and Happy after just defeating Zeref. As I neared my friends.. the words that were being yelled through sheer panic cut through me worse then any attack I'd ever lived through..

"Natsu!" Happy frantically looked at me with tears streaming down.

"Oh man! I don't think she's breathing and the marks are getting worse!!" Gray was firmly holding Lucy by the arms and slightly shaking her.. "Lucy stay with us! Damn it!" He burst into tears.

"L-Lucy isn't responding!! Happy blurted out.

At that moment I forgot all pain and scrambled onto my knees next to Gray, yanking Lucy's slowly growing cold body into my battered arms. I hugged her tightly and begged along with the other two.. until Loke and Virgo appeared suddenly.

"Sir natsu.." Virgo's voice was shaky for once..

"We need to take her with us if she's to live.." Loke finished.

"No! Fuck no! You can't take her! Wendy can fix her!" Punching the ground still cradling Lucy.. "WENDY! Wen-"'I stopped, through my tear soaked eyes.. the black marks covering her right side were still spreading. I decided to let Loke have her.. I kissed Lucy's right hand on her guild mark. I hated the clammy cold feeling it had left on my lips.. her scent was fading as I blacked out.

—-end flash back

Shaking my head of the memory. I began to make a little breakfast. We would be heading to the guild today. Low on jewels, it was time to go out on a job.

"Mmm, fiiiishy!" Happy drooled as he floated over. I handed him his breakfast and scarfed mine down. Before shutting the house door, I looked back at that maid outfit one more time. With a heavy sigh I lock the door behind me.

"She's on your mind again.." happy had broke the silence of the morning.

"I'm alright little buddy." I faked the best smile I could for his sake. I'm getting better at that it seems..

Upon entering the guild we notice an odd ruckus among the guild members. "Loke!" I huffed out unaware I'd started running. I skidded to a halt and blurted out above everyone else. "How's Luce! Tell me she's alive!" My voice was shaky and I was honestly on the verge of tears.

"Ah natsu, I'm glad your hear." He had a smile. "Does that mean she's ok?"I questioned as he continued.. "Lucy is in fact stable, however.. she's not quite the same. In order to stop the demon from spreading." He paused, looking down as he pushed his glasses up. "The celestial king had to insert a dragon slayer lacirma." He then stared me directly in the eyes. "She is having a slight memory problem as well.. We will be returning her soon, in hopes it will help with that." I'm sorry natsu.

"Sorry!? Why the hell ya sorry for! Lucy's alive!" I was overjoyed! My true grin beamed across my face.

"Well I must go. We'll see you all soon!" Loke waved bye and disappeared.

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