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We continued walking for miles, i started to wonder why the kids hadn't stirred. It's been hours and my fatigue was trying to set in as my muscles ached. Why haven't we come across Happy yet..

I started to whisper to Rebecca in attempt to wake her. With no luck I sighed, my stomach started growling as I blush in embarrassment. "Uh, Natsu can we stop for a break. Maybe a little bite to eat too?" I asked nervously. He hadn't spoken since we left the house. Racking my brain this seemed odd to me, he normally had something to say. He should be getting hungry himself by now.. he eats all the time..

Thinking this I snuck a glance at his face, it was vacant. His eyes weren't his normal full of emotion green. I cleared my throat lightly and asked again "uh how about a break? It should be about lunch time." As my stomach grumbled once more.

He finally spoke, but I realized that the husk to his voice didn't quicken my pulse like normal. "We're almost there." He replied with little to no emotion.

It was at that moment the wind changed revealing a scent I should've picked up on much sooner.. it wasn't that of the beloved smoldering ember of My Natsu, but that of a vile stench.

W-Wait.. how.. did I miss..THAT! As fear set in I used the cover of my loose hair to conceal my face. From behind my veil of blonde locks in attempt to inspect Shiki better. I slightly slow my pace to trail the imposter.

As we come upon a cave in the cliffs I see the shimmer of letter magic.. that reads something about sleep. Oh no.. Right as my eye widened to the truth of this a malicious voice speaks out. "Welcome carrier of the ancient one."

No! I yell in my head as I slide Rebecca down my back onto the ground and ready my stance. But I'd never get the chance.. As sharp pain then darkness takes over.

In my unconscious state I'm taken to a place within the cosmos.

Where am I?
D-Did I die..
No.. It can't be!

A soft voice calls to me. It's calming but doesn't fully ease my fear racing rampant.

"My child, your not dead. Your in the perfect state of consciousness for me to make contact with you. My name is Galactica."

Why can't I see you?

"You will in due time. I need you to focus for now though dear. The children you've been watching are destined for another time. I am the only one who can assure their safe journey."

Wait, do you mean Shiki and Rebecca!?

"Yes Lucy, they belong to a much distant future."

B-but why!?
That'll crush Natsu!
He cares deeply for those kids!

"Ah, I'd expect nothing less from the son of my beloved Igneel.. it will hurt him yes, how ever in return I will give you back what's been lacking."

What does that even mean..
But you'll promise they will be completely safe, right?

"You have my word."

What do I need to do?

"Once the time is right I'll need you to call out to me as if calling one of your spirits. But only once you've reached full dragon force."

B-but I've never done that before!
How will I know when is right?

"You will know."

The dream like trance started to dissipate as my eyes started to flutter open. Is someone shaking me?

"Lucy? Are you alright!?" A tiny feral voice called out.

"R-Rebecca?" I stuttered her name. Dizzy from a sharp pain to the back of my head. Ouch.. I went to touch the spot but unable due to my wrists being cuffed. N-no m-magic defusing cuffs.. "Shit!" I huffed with the throbbing pain. I managed to continue "H-how's Shiki?" My sight still blurry I close my eyes once more but only to let them rest.

"He's breathing but he has cuffs like you and he has a shimmering thing on his neck." She exclaimed with a shaky voice.

"Are you cuffed?" I questioned.

"N-no.." she whispered. They must be fooled due to Rebecca's ability to cover her strength. Thank Mavis that Anna worked with her. I think as I slip into darkness once more.

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