Training to gather control

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I've been training with Loke and Taurus mostly, every now and then Aquarius and the others. It's definitely hard work though. They told me that if I would've started out with it before waking my second origin it might have been a little less rampant. My body was only use to summoning my celestial spirits, but now I have this unstable dragon Lacrima within me.. And for being known as a ancient guardian she is fierce.

I've come close to unlocking my dragon force, I can hear her beckoning me to release the built up energy. The celestial king is highly against it though for the time being. He was the one who banished her to the Lacrima in the first place. Not as though she was a danger, but for her safety. Due to her being sought after for her many abilities. Apparently in the wrong hands she could become of unimaginable things. On a much lighter note, she was thought to have a mate on earth.. I believe the book Capricorn gave me to read said his name might have been Igneel? That name stays in my head but I'm a little unsure on why.

"Ok Lucy take it from the top!" Loke yells as he calls out his attack Regulus impact, he raises one hand that's engulfed in light as a lion head shoots towards me. I counter his attack with my defense "Messier Starburst!" As an oil slick rainbow of stardust glistens in front of me, with the swipe of both my hands and disbanding his lion of light immediately.

"Nice Lucy!" He calls out. "Now try to come at me!" He grins adjusting his glasses. I ready my stance, charging to Loke. The attack I whirl at him is the "Stellar Dragon's Brilliant Nova!" As I run up full speed both hands ignite in a shimmering green flame like mist. I bring my wrists of my hands together as Loke steps to the side just in time as my hands collide with a pillar. The pillar explodes into glittering shards within seconds of making contact with the green mist.

Loke's nodding his head proud. He then has me do a few more practice blows of other attacks. Later on I'm in the celestial library with Capricorn and Crux. Their explaining how when in dragon force I can call upon my spirits with out using my keys or star dresses. In fact I can straight out channel their attacks, all by saying spirits of the stars and the name of the spirit of choice.

That after noon I over heard the celestial king and Loke..

"Leo, she has done well with training.. how is her mental state?" The King questioned.

"Ah, well she's good for the most part.. she still can't really remember Natsu though. But she is starting to make way with her memories." He continued "Virgo said she was getting pieces of their names and faces now, And reacting well to them."

"Well then it is time. I believe she will recover her mind along side her guild mates." The king nodded. Loke smiled and turned around pushing up his glasses.

I hid behind a pillar hoping I'd go in noticed. But I didn't.. Loke spoke up "its time Lucy, you will return home." His smile was warm but some what sad.

That night I lay in bed, excited to be returning to my beloved friends. Though one thing on my mind is that Natsu guy.. is still a shadow figure I only get bits of through flashes of light. I'm still not completely sure what he looks like, except for the salmon hair and green eyes. Tomorrow.. Tomorrow.. to..mor..ow.. I finally slip into dream land.

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