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It had been a few months since Lucy returned. Within this time we found out Gray finally grew a pair and was taking Juvia on their first date. Laxus and Mira were a HUGE thing now and Lisanna was super happy at bixlow side. Elfman and Evergreen are planning a wedding, Sting and Yukino were now engaged. As for Lucy, she seemed to be getting along great remember everyone's names. She would slip up every now and then with who did what. But for the most part she was herself again. Except the part that there would be times when things would get odd between us. Like her body knew what it wanted but her mind was still unsure.

-flash back-

Lucy had joined Happy and I fishing. Once Happy was satisfied with the catch of the day, he chowed down. I was laid back in the grass soaking in some of the suns rays. When Lucy laid down next to me. Our hands brushed against one another's and out of the corner of my eye I seen her blush and hesitate to move it.

"Natsu?" She called looking up at me from where she rested.

"Hm, ya Luce?" My voice was low and husky, I was half asleep at this point.

"Uh, d-do you miss how things use to be with u-us?" She stumbled getting the words out. But before I answered, I thought. I'd give anything to be able to touch her, to claim her as mine all over again, and to..

"Uh, well your here with me now. That's what matters." I end up saying and flashing a grin. Unexpectedly she rolls to her side leaving our faces inches a part. I raise my head slightly and our warm breaths can be felt. But just as soon as she starts to lean in, she jolts away and up to a sitting position. She's smiling..

-end flash back-

Today was Lucy's first day back doing jobs. She was nervous and I was ecstatic! The gang was going together Erza, Gray, Happy, Lucy, and I! Wendy and Carla sadly was already out on a job this time around. Once at the guild, I sat with Gray waiting for Erza and a curious Lucy to pick out a job. I rested my chin on the back of Happy while we waited. "No vehicles!" I groaned as I heard Lucy question Erza. She flashed me a glance then giggled "Oh yeah! That's right."

Wasn't really paying no attention to anything else but that gorgeous blonde.. I guess the soft smile that crept across my face made Gray chuckle thinking he'd get a free jab. "Ya Alright there flame brain?" His voice taunted and I gave him that one by ignoring it.

"You know if you stare any harder you'll burn a hole through her."

This time I flashed him a 'thats not cool dude' glance. "I'm just watching over her!" I grumble as Happy squirms out from under my chin. "Whatever you totally wanna touch her!" He snickers from behind his paws.

Eh, he wasn't half wrong.. thinking as I stretched my back while folding my arms behind my head. "Yeah, What of it?" I confidently say.

Happy then snickers again an flys off towards Erza and Lucy who's still searching the bored. "So your not even gonna deny it, huh?" Gray chuckles leaning his head on his hand. I give him a side glance and a shrug "why should I?"

He simply shook his head as the girls and Happy headed our way finally having a flier in hand. "Let's go! We're leaving now." Erza declared.

Luckily we were able to walk, the job has to do with clearing out some rampant Ogres. We entered the town of Gedonelune and right off the bat it was  blazing fists! "These guys sure are ugly!" I sneered.

I was working on my 5th ugly as I noticed Lucy struggling a little.. with the head ogre! "Lucy!" I roared as the ogres leader swung down a massive tree trunk. My haste to reach her side was cut short when another ogre stood in my path. Grr! I tore through it in seconds with my fire dragon's claw. But to my surprise Lucy was completely fine.

"Celestial dragon roar!" Her voice rang out as what I could only explain as a damn galaxy looking thing shot from her mouth, exploding around the ogre. She continued with another odd looking attack as she clawed through its legs with what looked like crystal. Damn, atta girl Luce! In my proud moment one of those bastards got in a cheep shot. "Gah! Fuck!" I groaned as it slammed me up against a cliff facing.

"I got ya back slacker slayer!" Gray taunted as he used his Ice Make: Lance to slice the beast off me. "I ain't slackin! And where's you damn clothes, perv!" I yelled as we both moved to the next opponent.

"Happy, I need wings!" I call for my furry little friend as he scoops me up soaring up above the trees. "Let's end this!"

"Aye sir!" He cheered.

"Incoming! FIRE DRAGON'S ROAR!" I blasted the remaining ogres to hell as my three grounded comrades ducked for cover.

"Damn idiot! Little more of a warning next time!" Gray shouts as Erza gives me a thumbs up while Lucy cheered with joy. Heh!

Come back to me (Nalu)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant