Memories to taunt

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That night I laid down in my hammock, as sleep started to pull at my eyelids.. I drifted off, but not into a dream.

I was whirled back onto the guild hall floor. Zeref had just put his fucking fist through my sternum. I remember trying to say her name, as I laid there dying. I wanted to see everyone's smiles again. This wasn't how I wanted to go. F-Fuck Happy, Lucy.. My Lucy, I'm sorry. But instead of taking my last I took a deep breath and found my feet. "L-Lucy, thanks guys." I huffed out as Zeref looked as if he'd seen a ghost.

"Let's finish this! I won't let you win!" I yelled as we headed towards each other in an attack once again.

As everything went bright I realized my mind had gone to that one time on Tenrou Island durning the S-Class trial. Kain had Lucy by the skull and squeezing. As I begged her to run, she refused saying she'd rather stay.

That's when I felt it again, that feeling of needing her. Was this me feeling "love" for her back then? How stupid was I? I fell to my knees watching it all play out again, covering my eyes with my hands.

When I reopened them I was in Lucy's bedroom. We were playing cards and laughing, how I'd give anything to do this again. Her smile beamed as we carried on about things.. and when Happy fell asleep, Lucy and I curled up together in bed. I couldn't help but rub against her. kissing her neck and pretending I was doing it in my sleep. All to see her reactions.

As I remembered falling asleep that night my mind glazed over into a foggy scene.. it was after Lucy and I had given into the deepest desire chocolate. I remember oddly waking up first the next morning, as I sat up and stretched I noticed I was naked. What the hell! I freaked looking down to find Lucy naked as well. What the hell happened! I jumped out of bed as last nights event comes rushing back. Ahhhh!!! Lucy's gonna fucking kill me! With these thoughts I panicked. I got dressed fast and headed to guild. I need to find someone.. I busted through the guild doors, perfect! "Gildarts!!" I yelled! "I need to talk to you!" Yanking him from his seat we went out side.

"Geez kid, it's good to see you too. Wait what's wrong Natsu?" He must have caught on to my panic as he turned to face me. "Talk kid. Your worrying me!"

"I-I slept with L-Lucy.." I said as I hung my. But he congratulated me and patted my back. "Well that's great kid. I'm glad you and her finally..

Cutting him off I yelled. "I-it's not like that!" I then explained what had happened with a box of chocolates called "deepest desire". Gildarts chuckled a little under his breath. "It's alright kid. All it did was make you two give into what was already there. You already have those feelings for her." He exclaimed.

"By the way Natsu, I was wondering if you and happy would like to come train with me for a while?" Gildarts then asked. "What! That'd be bad ass!" Completely forgetting what we were recently talking about. He explained I'd have to leave Lucy.. again. "I'll have to think about that.. I did that once for a year." It turned out hurting her way more then happy and I thought..

"Well think it over kid, I'll be leaving in two days." He said as he headed back into the guild. I immediately sat down to think everything over.

This was the reason she had said those words that morning.. "like I said, the same as always." She whispered, holding back tears.

I still wanted to kick myself over that.. I never meant to make her feel used. I only wanted our connection to stay they same.

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