Change of mind

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Natsu came to get me early in the morning, I still had what Levy said to me fresh in my mind. All I could think about was if I had meant so much to this man.. Then why? I mean I understand it was a year for him, but with the dreams.. no memories I'd had of us.. did he really mean forever? I finally made myself open the door. Ah! That grin.. I shake my head of the feelings building up. "I-I need to get Erza, she said she would help." I walk past him heading to her room.

"Help?" He asks with a tilt of his head.

"I-I'm won't be staying with you. I'm moving my things here." I fold my arms continuing walking towards Erza's room.

Happy who has stayed quiet till now speaks up "uh, lucy.. her rooms the other way.." as he points back behind us. Once we redirect ourselves Natsu starts to huff under his breath to the blue exceed. "What the heck.." he mumbled as happy mumbled back "maybe she doesn't like you any more.."

I roll my eyes as Erza then readies her cart. "Alright let's go!" We head to Natsu and Happy's.

Once we reached the house I stopped.. a slight twing of pain as a memory leaks through.. "W-wasn't it smaller?.."  or was my memories wrong.

"Yeah. happy, I, and a few guys from the guild added on to it. Since you'd need a place to stay." He mumbled with nervousness.

I heard Erza make a proud sound from behind me, he built onto his house.. for me?

As we got to the living room natsu explains that all my stuff is up stairs. So Erza and I head up, as we entered the room he said was mine.. it had been set up as if it was my apartment. On the bed rested two boxes. I sat on the bed and opened the first one. I started to tear up, It was letters I had written to my mother.. he kept these for me?

Tears started to blur my vision. I opened the second one. When I realized they were all from natsu the tears I was holding back broke through. I sat and read through the first one. Two years worth of what I missed..
his feelings..
our memories..
His thoughts..

I decided to ask the red head who's shuffling boxes around "uh, is Natsu really d-dating Lisanna?"

She looks up at me suddenly and with a serious face "No, he has spent his time being busy waiting for you. Though he did slip up and they made out during a drunk party. Which Gray and I had to keep him form.. self distraction once he realized what he'd done." She looks at me and smiles "Lucy I've know him for a long time, I've never seen him break like he did when you left. Even when Igneel died he was able to keep his composure better."

"Igneel?" I asked. Her faced slightly frowned then returned to a soft smile. "His father."

I then changed my mind. I was staying here. Erza warned Natsu to behave himself. Once she'd left I went to take a shower.

This.. all of this was what I risked to save him. After two years he still.. he really meant for ever. After collecting myself I got into the bath. When I was finished I went through my closet, as my hand glided onto a cheer night gown I stop and held it up. "I-I remember this.."

-flash back-

Levy has pointed out that natsu and I get super close to each other sometimes. And that I had starting blushing a lot more these days. So I spent a whole day putting distance between us.. until that night when he came by to confront me.

"Yo, Luce!" He grinned then added "I haven't seen you hardly all day. You been ignoring me or something?" He flopped down on my bed and put his head in his hand.

"N-no! Now go!" I could feel my cheeks warming.

"I just go-ot here." He complained then noting my cheeks. "Yo! Luce are ya sick?" He got up slightly worried.

Every time he neared me I'd back away. He grinned as if it turned into some game until I was up against a wall and had become caged by his arms. "What's wrong Luce." He whispered.

"I-I lo." I stopped and shook my head. "Nothing now go!" I murmured while crossing my arms.

"Finish what you were gonna say or I'll tickle it out of ya!" That devilish grin..

He tickled me til I blurted it out "I-I love you!" I yelled, as I took advantage of his dumbfounded state. I kicked him lose from me. We both frozen. The look on Natsu's face was conflicting.. I didn't know what to say so I darted into the bathroom slamming the door and locking it. "He didn't say anything.." Due to the silence I whispered "how am I gonna face him now.." out loud as my eyes started to blur.

I thought he'd left.. until..

With a low, soft shaken voice "Uh lucy.." then silence.. and finally.. "I-I'm no romantic.. but I-I do love you."  He sounded as if just one wrong word would kill me..

end flash back

I decide to wear it.
I stood in the kitchen door way watching him. His two earth years compared to my 8 celestial days seemed to mature him in many ways. When he finally recognized that I was there he turned. His eyes flickered wide then softened as they met with mine. He tumbled the kettled causing as he huffed then spun back around facing away from me.

I chuckled slightly. "Natsu, are you ok?" He must of been embarrassed because it amplified his ember scent.

"Ya! All good!" He flashed a grin and turned back around to hand me a cup of tea. I fixate my eyes on the various deep scars, as if my body moved on it's own.. I ran my finger tips across the x shape scare on his left upper abdomen. His body suddenly tensed then relaxed. The words poured out.

"Future Rogue.." i said in a hushed voice.. then reached to the one on the right of his neck touching it as well "your future self.." then to the one on his cheek.. "Ze-Zeref.. E.N.D.." My mind went blank with fear as I felt myself fill with fear and pain.

In my despair the light that smoothed me was that of his voice "it's all over Luce. I ended him and you saved us."  and the comfort of his forehead pressed against mine.

Come back to me (Nalu)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin