Saying GoodBye

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"Time to go home" I hear Rebecca whisper as she joins the dragon's side. Huh, home?

"Your home is here, with Anna!" I yell out as she shakes her head slowly stepping up into the beasts claw along with Shiki.

Shiki who is finally awake, sits up. "Damn.. time already.. bye Natsu!! It was nice playing with you!" He calls out with a huge grin, waving vigorously.

As I step forward to run up to the dragon, it turns itself to look at me. It shakes its heavy body causing the wind to blow unnaturally hard. "These will help Lucy, gate keeper of the ancient stars from here.." She speaks as scales the color of oil in water fall to the ground. "Thank you for watching over these two." As the dragon spread her wings and lifted into the air and then they were gone.

Once they'd vanished into the night my attention shot immediately to Lucy. Wendy had join her side to assist in anyway possible. But with no luck, the spear wouldn't budge. We couldn't even break the ends off to make it easier. So as a team we carried Lucy back to the guild, the exceeds carried the gathered scales.

Upon entering the guild hall everyone stood gaping, Levy screamed for her friend clinging to Gajeel's side. Gramps immediately called for Porlyusica. Up till this point Erza and Gray has kept their chins up. It was until they turned to me, letting Lucy rest on me alone in the middle of the guild that their composure cracked. I was shaking, tears pouring as the blood of Lucy covers my right side. Surprisingly her weight lightened as I looked up to see Laxus who'd walked over to help. "Rest, Natsu." With his simple words I collapsed to the floor.

I had no idea on why any of this happened, all I knew was I was loosing her again..

It was clear that the old lady had her work cut out for her, she had Wendy, Gramps, Anna and a few others at her side. I knew when they finally got the spear free due to the applauses they shared for a quick moment. 12 hours later they all exited Lucy's room from the infirmary wing of the guild. I had been sitting at the bar keeping an eye on the hallway, I had some questions for Anna.

As soon as she came into view I stood up. By the exhausted smile on her face, she wanted to talk to me as well.

"Alright Natsu, let's talk." She says sitting down next to where I stand. She huffs a sigh and starts. "Rebecca and Shiki were born here, but they were not meant to stay. Their parents worked hard to find there way home, but they needed a dragon. With all the dragon's missing from our time they failed. Sadly it ended in the parents losing their life's. I took care of them during this time. Once Lucy had returned I was visited by the dragon within a dream. Taking them back to there time was all planned through the celestial king. To save the future of the kids time. Lucy had become the best candidate to harbor the lacrima. Not only that but the dragon would be able to assist in healing her. Shiki and Rebecca didn't want to tell you because you already had so much weighing on you. They hoped you'd understand and forgive them."

It was hard to take all this in, but I nodded. Maybe in another time I'd meet them again. "So how's Lucy? Did the scales actually work?"

"They worked, she's stable. Though we are unsure when she'll wake up." Anna exclaims. From there I walk off towards where Lucy laid.

I stood in the door way, her face was completely pale and her normally golden hair was dulled. Her chest was barely moving. Once at her side I collapsed to my knees.

Luce, please..

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