Racing against time

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Guided by the light of my own flame Happy and I continued into the cave. Upon entering a slightly larger area my thoughts were confirmed. Rebecca, Shiki and BLOOD! "Lucy's blood!" I exclaimed louder then I meaning to. I could feel my anger ignite. They hurt Lucy, My Lucy! They're going to pay! Happy noticing the state I was in sent out the lacrima alert as he spoke "Natsu.. it's not that much blood.. I'm sure Lucy is ok.." His voice quivering. "She better be." Was all I said while we headed deeper into the cave.

After a grueling two hours I started to pick up two distance voices.

"If we harness the boys power along side the ancient ones we can finally please the White Mage."

"How do we call out the ancient dragon though?"

"We could wait until she summons it. However that might be pushing our luck."

"So we kill her. Then what?"

"The dragon will descend in order to save its vessel."

"All we need is its heart right?"

"For her yes, but those scales are mine."

The voices laughed with malice. "There plotting to kill Lucy and her dragon!" I growl to Happy, who stops me from running towards the voices. He points out another direction, "we should find them before reeking havoc." I nod in agreeance once I'm back to my senses. I take a whiff of the air around us, the smell of Lucy's blood fills my nose. It just so happens it's coming from the direction Happy pointed to. "That way! Nice thinking buddy." I huffed as I started running, Happy flying at my shoulder.

Surprisingly once we had made a left turn from our initial right one the walls and ceiling widened, opening up into a large room. The room was lined with cage like cells. Happy took the left side and I right as we searched each one. Finally reaching the last one on the right, there laid an unconscious Shiki and a frightened Rebecca.

As she sits there hunched over onto Shiki's back sobbing I speak up calmly as to not startle her more. "Rebecca." I whispered. As Happy joins my side she looks up. "N-Natsu!" She stutters through her sobs and rushes the bars. "L-Lucy isn't moving anymore." She frantically huffs still sobbing.

Trying to keep my cool as the lump in my throat seemed to harden as I noticed Lucy's body laying in the far back of the cell. "Stand back, I'm going to melt the bars." Rebecca done as told,  Happy and I stepping in. I slowly headed in the direction of the blonde I'd been searching for all night. Happy was assisting Rebecca with the cuffs on Shiki as I crouched down next to her lifeless body. I hesitated a moment.. Please, for the love of Igneel.. Not again..

The blood on the back of her head now dried caused her golden locks to matte. I brushed her bangs from her pale fragile face and checked her pulse. Thank you Dad.. It was faint but there.

We grouped together, I gently carried Lucy on my back and Happy helped with Shiki. Slowly but surely we made it to the opening to the divide where I'd heard the two voices from. We stopped as Happy snuck a head to check if the coast was clear. I stiffened as a shadow neared, the hair on Happy's tail bristled from fear. Until they whispered..

"Erza, which way do we go ?" Wendy's voice sounded nervous.

"I think I heard something this way!" Gray whispered.

Recognizing the voices of our friends I spoke up. "Turn right" I said low but husky from chocking but my tears.

"That was Natsu!" Erza exclaimed.

We greeted each other as I filled Erza, Wendy, Charla and Gray on the situation. Gray took Shiki off of Rebecca's hands, Erza offered to take Lucy but I wasn't handing her over. Her body was cold and clammy, she needed my warmth.

Once we made it out of the cave we found a place to hide. I laid Lucy softly on the ground as Wendy went right to work. I walked over to Gray and Shiki, who still hadn't moved. Erza and Happy was posted as look outs, as Rebecca rested.

It wasn't long until Charla made Wendy take a break. At least Lucy was warm now and her pulse was normal.

Suddenly Erza whistled, it was her warning. At that moment Shiki stood and was chuckling with malice. "What the h.." I was cut off as a guy manifested in front of us. He kicked Erza's battered body towards Gray. He then threw something blue. "HAPPY!" I roared. Catching my beloved exceed before he landed on the ground. I sat him in Wendy's arms as my body ignited in flames.

"YOU!" I growled.


The tall man standing in front of us has blue hair that sticks up with blood lusting amber color eyes. He calls himself Hisoka, as he calls out "come my pet."

As he does Shiki starts walking to him, he easily brushes Gray's and my attempts at stopping him. Once he reaches Hisoka he vanished. I yell out where'd Shiki go. He reply's by telling us that, that Shiki was nothing more than a puppet of his. He then reveals the true Shiki in a cage like bubble floating to his left.

Durning the window of conversation Wendy managed to help Erza enough to stand on her feet. With no further care to talk Gray, Erza and myself head off for an attack on Hisoka.

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