Drunken Mishap

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We were all hanging around at the guild, Not a lot going on job wise. We were all on high alert waiting for word on how Levy was doing.. Porlyusica and her were in the guild infirmary. She was in labor with Gajeel's child.

It had me thinking..
What it would be like if Lucy and I.. Yeah right..
But how beautiful she'd be..
She'd make a great mother..

I sighed to myself to kick the thoughts. Though this is kind of scary.. every now and then you can hear Levy scream out. Poor Gajeel is frozen at the door, that ole scary witch wont let him in. Heh, if that was me I'd burn that damn door down. Then again.. she's super scary.. I slightly shiver at the thought of the last time she had chased us out of her house.

Gray and I stood at the entrance of the hallway, like an unspoken reassuring hand. I stretched and ruffled my hair a bit when finally the sound we'd all been secretly holding our breaths for came, the cry of a baby.

At that moment Gajeel was let in. Gray and I was joined by the rest of guild as we looked on. Waiting for our own glimpse of this new life.

About 40 minuets later Gajeel came out holding a wiggling bundle. "Emma." Is all he says looking down at the her. The hallway erupts in cheers from the men and coos from the ladies as they shove past to get a peek.

I give him a nod with a grin as a congrats and return to her bar stool. Unknowingly a certain ice mage followed me.

"She weighing heavily on your mind this evening?" He broke me from my silence.

"Yeah, little bit." I wasn't gonna lie, he and I but heads but we were good friends. He sighed deeply "I'm sure she's fine man. Lucy's a tough girl." He smiled at the last part. "Yeah, but I said forever.. and here we are." My arms were folding to my chest.

Suddenly Mira calls out form behind the bar for a round of drinks to congratulate the new family member. I took this opportunity to drown myself of the sadness for a change. I started out slow so it wouldn't raise any eyebrows. By the time the warmth hit me I didn't care what was happening.

I wrapped my arms tightly around the warm body, pulling it into my lap. When our lips locked my mental state checked out, Lucy..
I gripped hard onto her hips, holding her to me. We kissed with wild passion.
The thought of the last time Lucy and I went at this hard played into my head. I stood up blocking her between me and the edge of the bars counter. Running my hands up her thighs, was when I gasped out Lucy's name the realization smacked me in the face as I heard Levy mumbling about Natsu and Lisanna.

Wait.. what!

My eyes widened as I shoved myself back using the bar as leverage. I tripped backwards on to my rear, looking up I found a blushing Lisanna in the place where my mind told me Lucy had been.


Happy and I stayed home for a few days after that. I couldn't find myself to leave the cold shell of my hammock. But luckily good friends won't let you stay in the shadows long..

Erza and Gray come busting in my home. Erza's voice booming "Get up Natsu!" She had a sword pointed to my face. Happy coward on the sofa confused about what was happening.

Then Gray says what I needed to hear. "You think Lucy would want this? She risked her life for yours! Get your shit together man!"

I gritted my teeth. "What I did would have crushed her." With that Erza flipped me out of my bed and dragged me into the snow by my scarf. "W-what the hell!" I yelled in protest.

"Fight us!" They yelled in unison. As Erza continued "let it out, you can't hold it in forever. Let us help!"

"Yeah idiot, get your ass fired up or get a beating." Gray was in fighting stance.

"Natsu you are our courage. Your always telling us to stay strong." Her words were shaky but they touched what I had locked away. As Happy chimes in "Lucy would be more hurt seeing you like this."

Heh, their right..

"I'm f-fired up now!" I yelled into the open sky and as the snow came pouring down my body ignited with emotion. I let my feelings go on the valley as ash mixed with snow. My friends stood by my side helping me gather the strength to find myself again.

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