When you need me

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I was in the guild hall roughing around with Shiki. Little monster was trying to give me away earlier.. 
He launches a gravity kick at me, that I of course stop by grabbing him by the ankle. His foot two inches from my face, Heh, is this how I was with Igneel?

Suddenly Lucy's voice screams out, that tone. I haven't heard THAT tone in so long. It sends the hairs on the back of my neck to stand. My heart sinks and the adrenaline sets in full speed.

Dropping Shiki to his feet "Stay here!" As I dart down the hallway. I burn the door down in my haste, trying to get to her as fast as possible.

Huffing with a high powered adrenaline rush, fists ready. "Lucy!?" But to my surprise everything looks fine..

I sigh with relief, "What the heck Luce? What's wrong?" I step closer as she continues to look out the window. "Luce?" I call again stepping completely into her view. Where I see tears streaming down her cheeks, immediately I crouch down and grab her face and start wiping tears away. "Lucy, I'm here.."

The calm setting in my voice she finally snaps out of her trance, the next thing I know she's tightly wrapped around my neck. I return the embrace as she whispers "thank you."

We stayed like that until I groaned in pain and my legs shook with tiredness. To my astonishment she scoots over Emma and grabs my hand pulling me into the bed. This was the first time we'd been this close since she'd been back. Lucy had a hand on Emma and her other hand was laced with one of mine. I hugged her body close to mine breathing in her scent as my forehead rested on the back of her shoulder.

I heard the snickers and whispers, but with my back facing the now ash door i couldn't see the faces of Gramps, Anna, Mira and Wendy. I could almost see Gramps fuming over the door, but it wasn't about to ruin this moment. Thanks guys.

The next morning we were woke by Levy gushing over how "cute" we three were. Lucy blushed but she didn't seem to be bothered by the playful teasing. Once we got up and moving and got a bite to eat we all asked the question that was on everyone's mind.

"Lucy child, what happened last night?" Gramps asked.

She sighed deeply then went on to tell us how someone's been following her. So that's what that odd aura is lately.. Lucy apologies and continued that right before she dozed off she had seen a dark figure watching her and Emma out side the window. She teared up as she began apologizing to me, for the worry she must have caused me.

Before she could add anything else to that I grabbed her right hand "I'll always be there when you need me! Nothing will stand in my way." The determination that played in my voice caused Lucy and a few of the other girls to blush.

"By the way Natsu, you owe me a door!!" Gramps fussed causing us all to laugh. Levy then thanked us for taking such good care of Emma, Gajeel seemed a little reluctant but one look from Levy and he did.

Once that settled it dawned on me that Anna had left and Shiki and Rebecca were still here. "Oi, Mira! What's going on?" As I pointed to the duo.

"Oops almost forgot! Anna went to get the other kids, you and Lucy are in charge of them for the time being. There's more but you probably should go see Master for that. Take Lucy with!" She chimed and carried on with her duties.

Geez Mira.. that's a bit important don't ya think.. I chuckled to myself. It is a little busy today..

I walked up to the blonde beauty "Luce, Gramp's has something to talk to us about. By the way we're on rug rat duty." I nudged towards Shiki and Rebecca.

"Uh, ok." She replied as we went to his office.

Once inside he explained that Anna was worried for the safety of the kids, someone has been keeping tabs on them as well as Lucy. With the kids having high levels of power and Lucy's Lacrima harboring a
Ancient dragon they had become targets. It was unknown about who or why, but I was told to stay close to the three at all possible cost. A order I wasn't going to refuse.

Lucy was obviously worried "Natsu.. what do we do? Can we even go home? Wha.." I turned to her catching her face in my hand. Caught off guard by my sudden movement she Stumbled backwards  against the wall tripping me in the process. "We'll be fine. I promise."  I said as I pinned her to the wall. She must of had the same thought as me due to her cheeks. This was the exact spot we'd catch a kiss at in the past. We talked a few minutes like that until foot steps neared us. I shoved off the wall with my hands letting her go.

We decided to go home, kids in tow..

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